Let's Go The Ex 2015

I thought it's only appropriate that the last day of August is the day I'm posting about our annual CNE excursion, which for us Torontonians is the sign that summer is truly over.

Here are some pics taken that day (Aug 29th):) We always have a fab time going!

Best part of the CNE: the food!

Blooming onion...very healthy:D

Massive amount of people!

There was a Sherlock exhibit, you guys! Here I am with my imaginary boyfriends.
I don't know why they don't look so happy.

I wanted to steal that background wallpaper.

Do you like going to fairs?


Elle Sees said…
cannot believe it's been another year since y'all went! it doesn't seem that long! yup, summer is on the way out :(
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
I remember being in town to visit a friend once when this was going on and it was really cool to see. Looks like your family had a blast at this one! Boo to the end of August O_o

Rowena @ rolala loves
Festivals like this are always a lot of fun, and has a little bit of everything. Great photos Emmy. Thanks for sharing. <3
Foodie Tales & Maca
Beauty said…
I can tell it was a great event and lovely pictures too; fairs with great food and games is always a blast. We have our Minnesota State Fair going on right now too and I'm planning to attend with the kiddos.
Have a great week.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Looks like such a fun family time. Now I want funnel cake!

Adam said…
Daisy would try to take that giant bear home with her
Midnight Cowgirl said…
How fun! The Sherlock exhibit looks cool, too :)
A Very Sweet Blog said…
I love fairs! I love the food! LOL No really it's the entire experience. The rides, food and entertainment. What a blast Emmy! Your family is so beautiful.
Unknown said…
That's amazing! So cute pics!
Have a nice day!
Natallia Jolliet
Unknown said…
Looks like a great day but I'm SO SAD that summer is over!!
Josie said…
This looks like so much fun! A great way to end summer :) x

Josie’s Journal
Beauty Follower said…
Looks like you had a great time there!

Unknown said…
This looks like so much fun! You find the best places to visit as a family :)
Your Invisible Crown said…
Looks like a cool event (although I would be happy about the fact that it also happens to come along with the end of summer)! And I am intrigued by the deep fried oreos.....
Jane said…
Big Bang Theory! :) And noo I can't say bye to summer! :(
Unknown said…
Beautidul pics!
Have a nice evening!
Photographer Gil Zetbase
June said…
Such a fun day EM! Loved the pics and how you spend you day!
June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog
sonia // daring coco said…
Ahhh you guys are the coolest parents ever! I love these snaps, I can feel the awesomeness of that day just oozing throiugh my screen. Have to admit that "blooming onion" does not look appetising. I don't even know what it is?! Deep fried onion? Hahahaha!

Unknown said…
This looks like such a fun festival! I want that blooming onion! :)

Unknown said…
So pretty photos!
Have a nice end of the week!
Angela Donava
rooth said…
Yay! A picture of the whole family!

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