Fan Expo Canada 2015 (Picture-Heavy)

On Saturday (Sept 5), the whole family (minus the little one) went to Fan Expo, which some of you may know is a yearly tradition for us. We stayed almost till closing this time, and we were all really pooped by the end of the day, but it was so worth it. The cosplay, as always, was amazeballz.

For the Harry Potter fans, the Weasley twins, Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley were all there (the actors, I mean:D)! 

Pics below:D
So many peeps!

Wanted to see Neve Campbell and Skeet Ulrich up close, but by the time we got there, there were gone...sigh....

And OMG! I was so excited to find out that this movie based on one of my all-time favourite books is coming out in December!

So excited to have a pic with this guy. After all, as I told him, "You're on my shirt!" (Spirited Away=awesome)
Just call me Sen...hehe

Dance off between these two

And then, this happened. This one's for all the Game of Thrones fans. This is also dedicated to my sis, and to blogger friend Kim :D (Jason-lovers, unite!)

I know, right?!?! Needless to say, it was an awesome day! :)


OMG! Looks like such fun. What a brilliant day! I'm sure you're probably still buzzing from the highlights. Love the photos Emmy, especially the last one, haha. x
Paper Art
Ahhh how cool! I have always wanted to go. This year a few of my friends went and they had a blast. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures and experience! It looks like it was amazing.
Your Invisible Crown said…
What a super fun event! Have you seen of even met the actors from Harry Potter?
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
What a fun family tradition and it looks like your whole family always has such a blast!

Rowena @ rolala loves
Coco said…
Ok I forgot everything I was going to say when I saw that last picture ehehehe. Jason is so hot :-)
Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi
Shon said…
Wow, how cool. Your pics are so great and your hair, well you know how I love it.
Hiro!! Rocks, my youngest girl loves Hiro!! Great day, Em. Thanks for sharing with us.
Adam said…
that's cool you got to meet Khal Drogo himself. I hear he really misses the show. I'd like to meet anyone from the show. I'd even settle for Joffrey
Midnight Cowgirl said…
It looks like an amazing time! What an awesome tradition :)
Unknown said…
Great event! Amazing pictures)
Have a nice week!
Natallia Jolliet
sonia // daring coco said…
Na-uh you did not meet Jason Momoa! Urgh, so jealous girl

Vision By Mila said…
Somebody had a lot of fuuuun!
A Very Sweet Blog said…
YES! YES! YES! JASON MOMOAAAAAAAAAAAA! That picture still makes my heart skip a beat Emmy! If I were there, they probably would've called security because I would be running around so excited. Hell, I would've been the first in line. LMAOOOO Love that man, and of course his wife and children :D Girl, that's the icing on the cake. That's cool they're making a little prince. Love the storm troopers and Scooby mobile :D I wish Jason Momoa would come HERE! Awesome post and girl thanks for the shout out BLUSH BLUSH!
A Very Sweet Blog said…
oh wait! did you two talk? what did he say?
LV said…
Wow! It looks like you had such a good time and your kiddos are so cute:-)
Elle Sees said…
this reminds me of dragoncon!! awesome! and omg you got to meet him!!!!! i met the voice of baymax, not exactly as thrilling as meeting that hunk of man!
Jane said…
You look so happy in the last picture lol :) and i love your tank top! It's the best!
Beauty Follower said…
Lucky you!!!! I am referring to the last photo ;)
Aimee Bustillo said…
This looks like a really great event, my classmates always went to events like this :)

Capturing Life Memoirs |
Oh to Be a Muse said…
This happens the same time as DragonCon down in Atlanta, so that's pretty cool. Looks like you had a blast, and I'm pretty jelly about that photo with Momoa. The hubs would be, too, as he was Khal Drogo for Halloween a couple years ago.
Unknown said…
Oh wow, this looks like such a fun event! Love all the photos! :)
Josie said…
These things always look like so much fun, everyone looks like they're having a great time! Fab pics Emmy, I'm so jel of that last pic though!! x

Josie’s Journal
June said…
WOW!! SO fun!! Have been reading your fan expo posts for 3 years now (maybe 3 or 2) but love it!! And btw I can actually say tat I am seeing your kids grow up also :) Your eldest looks just like you when he smiles :)
June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog
Imogen said…
This looks fun (and so big). I love how you have a yearly tradition. That huge lego is rather impressive.
rooth said…
That last picture = awesome. I love how you always cap it off with one of those. And lego mania! JR would have gone crazy
Miu said…
Your last picture made me also squeal :D How amazing that you met him :)

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