We are all French.

This is the state of the world we live in...where there is so much hate and division that killing innocent people is seen as a way to bring attention to a cause.

  I am praying for France and for the victims and their families of the Paris tragedy. I am praying for all the victims of terror attacks around the world.

 I am praying for peace and unity.
image from cnn.com


Unknown said…
That is so terrible.. I'm praying for Paris...
Photographer Gil Zetbase
Adam said…
It's hard to understand the monsters who do this kind of stuff. They only call for their own destruction
This is absolutely horrible!

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June said…
Its so unfortunate that this is happening not just in Paris, but at many other places in the world simultaneously.
June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog
Unknown said…
I am left speechless with what has happened.
Praying for the world <3
There is so much to pray for...
This event and many others sickened me Emmy! I can't comprehend individuals hurting other individuals this way. What happened to communication of problems?
The events in Paris were absolutely terrible and tragic. We could really use some prayer, peace, love and tolerance right now.
Anonymous said…
Such a sad day. ANOTHER sad day. When and where will it end? :-(
Elle Sees said…
i'm praying for humanity. such a tragedy for all countries involved. so scary.
I agree, so much negativity and hate in the world. We just found out that two friends of ours were in Paris, thankfully they are safe, but what a tragedy for some families to have to go through this loss.
Beauty Editer said…
Horrible! What's happening to the world is totally heartbreaking. :(

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Hena Tayeb said…
it is horrifying..these days their are far too many horrifying days.. what a world we live in.
Valerie said…
I agree with all that you said! This is such a heartbreaking event!

Shon said…
Praying here as well!

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