Long over long

As a vertically-challenged person, I've always read that proportion is the key to dressing and that long stuff doesn't really look too good on us.

I must really thank the Olsen sisters for making me get out of this box. They are a lot younger than I am, but we're about the same height, and I see them rocking these oversized and long outfits for years, and to me, they look great.

North Face coat, shirt from Urban Outfitters, skirt I sewed (Saltmarsh pattern: info here), Blondo boots

Do you like long baggy outfits?


Valerie said…
This outfit is so cute! I love the long coat paired with the long skirt...beautiful!

Oh to Be a Muse said…
I'm also vertically challenged, but I don't like restrictions. Good for you for going with the long over long. My main issue with clothes and my height is when I wear culottes because they're supposed to fall above your ankles, but for me, they fall almost right at my ankles so they don't always look like culottes, but that hasn't stopped me from rockin' them! :)

Sharon said…
I like your skirt!
Midnight Cowgirl said…
Love the long coat with the long skirt!
sonia // daring coco said…
I couldn't agree more. I think the longer the better. However midi anything is something I steer clear of

Linda said…
Lovely outfit, and you look radiant! :)
Adam said…
I saw the new Star Wars today, let me know when you see it I got a sorta funny GOT-Star Wars joke about it but it's about a spoiler
Beauty said…
Lovely Outfit; I like the skirt and it does look good on you.
Anonymous said…
The skirt looks a bit witchy (in a good way), I like that.
Elle Sees said…
the comfier the better for me, i say!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
I like long outfits too and I'm all for elongating the look of my body even though I'm 5'6" :)
Adam said…
I could just imagine Kylo Ren saying "For the watch" to you know who
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Looks great on you Emmy! Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zone and try things! Good for you! I'm tall, so I have to watch things being too short. HaHaHa
Boris Estebitan said…
Siempre es tan original tu cabello.
Aimee Bustillo said…
It looks great on you! love the long skirt, comfy and chic <3

Capturing Life Memoirs | aimeebustillo.blogspot.com
I think if anyone can wear baggy garb it's you! The Olsen twins definitely have a unique and distinct style and I love your outfit here. Happy Holidays dear. <3
Unknown said…
Yes, totally agree! Petite women can definitely rock longer pieces. You look fab doing it!

Coco said…
I love how you layered but I especially like you wearing a maxi! Super cool Ems! Happy Holidays to your family dear! Baci, Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi
Jane said…
i love baggy long outfits! :)
rooth said…
Oh me! I do! Comfort and functionality win every time

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