The Olympic Coat (and some videos)

I got this coat awhile back, but haven't worn it in quite some time as it's one of those things that for some reason ended up in a corner of the closet. I really should start cleaning out my stuff, yo!

This is the Hudson Bay Official Canadian Olympic Team Coat for Sochi 2014.
just with my basic winter uniform of a long shirt, leggings and boots

How can you go wrong with a hooded coat?

This outfit was what I wore to the little one's Christmas Concert in school yesterday. I made her the dress below. She basically asked me, "Where's my green outfit?" the day before the concert. I bought the fabric, washed and dried it, then sewed it using a pattern I've done before to make it go quick. The things you do for your loved ones, I tellz yah....

The kids in her class were supposed to be like Christmas tress, so we added some ornaments.

And the aftermath...we were all so hungry for dinner!

What have you been up to lately?

PS In case you have some time and you want to see some crafting stuff, I posted two YouTube vids...hehe

My tiny sewing corner:

My yarn stash:
Have a great day, you guys!


Linda said…
Beautiful photos and outfits, Emma! You look lovely! :)
Adam said…
I felt like those Olympics weren't just a year ago but it's almost two years I guess. Sochi was not ready for the olympics. I heard of a few stories where people go to their hotel room and there'd be an occupant in there already, a stray dog.
Jane said…
i love your space and knit stash. i just have a small basket and crate to stash my yarn and even with that my husband is always asking what i'm going to do with them. like i need to knit them all now and clear it! lol i also love the dress you stewed. it's so perfect :)
That'a fab coat! Good thing you found it. Someone is a really cute little Christmas tree :)
Beauty said…
It's always cool to find those lovely forgotten items in the closet; the green dress is beautiful.
Oh wow aren't you such an awesome mum. If I had a child and (let's face it, I'm sure this would happen) they needed something green the next day, I'd completely freak out bahaha. I love the dress you made her, it's gorgeous and it's something she can easily wear again.

Anonymous said…
Yay, videos! I love 'snooping' around in people's houses and stashes, hehehe. I like that coat by the way, give it a spot somewhere in the front of your closet, girl!
Elle Sees said…
it turned out so well!! you gotta love kids and their last min requests!! and thanks for the tours :)
Coco said…
I'm in love with your daughter, she's so cute!!!! My daughter was at her Christmas show yesterday! Baci, Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi
Beauty Editer said…
So nice! Have a great weekend.

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BLOGGED: MAC Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour for January 2016
I'm so glad that you took this coat out, because it's amazing. What a classic style, and the colour is gorgeous. <3 /Madison
FT Anniversary
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Her dress looks really nice with the ornaments on there, and I really like your Sochi coat, too!
Valerie said…
I love your coat and your daughter's dress...very cute! Also great videos...loving your sewing space and yarn collection!
I love your coat! It looks so warm, and I love anything Olympic :)
Aimee Bustillo said…
love the costume you made, your so talented and great mom <3

Capturing Life Memoirs | bloglovin' | Instagram
June said…
Great job on the costume Em! And was nice to see the vids and hear your voice and check out your sewing area where all those creations come from :) Love it!
June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog
rooth said…
Love the coat and she is an adorable Xmas tree. She looks so grown up in that last picture
You look good in red Emmy! Glad that coat came out of your closet and you are wearing it! Looks great! Ok, your little one is growing so fast! She's so cute Emmy! I remember being in school Christmas plays. This was fun to see.
Miu said…
That's a nice official coat! It fits really well for Christmas, doesn't it? And I am so amazed that you can sew a dress just like that, that's such a cool skill to have!

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