A broken promise

It's only the middle of January, and I already broke my resolution...waaaaaah! I promised myself I will not buy anything I can make, but guys, you put a Spirited Away character in anything, and I'll give you my money.
No Face sweater from Hot Topic, LEI jeans from Walmart, Timberland boots

So, this is it! Really...no more buying clothes for me...unless I see another No Face item:P

Did you make any resolutions, and how is it going?


Adam said…
That was the best of all his films
Elle Sees said…
love that movie--i have never seen anything like this!! so cool!
Not buying is SO hard. I love love love that sweater though! So I think breaking your resolution was okay! :P
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
This top is way cool! I can see why you couldn't resist!
It's adorable, but I hear you and told myself the same. But, sometimes, you just cannot resist. <3
Event Styling
Linda said…
Beautiful! You look radiant, as always. You are so photogenic! :)
LV said…
Not buying is a real challenge, but sometimes you have to treat yourself. Looking super cute as always:-)

Your Invisible Crown said…
Your boots look so good for this time of the year!
Vanessa said…
I love No Face :D The sweater is beautiful and beautiful on you. Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle tie as my favorite Miyazaki films.
Hena Tayeb said…
which is why i don't make resolutions.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Lol, I totally get it. I've managed to keep my book reading resolution, but have yet to get back into the gym.

Midnight Cowgirl said…
I haven't seen Spirited Away, but that sweater is awesome!
rooth said…
I made a silly promise last year that I wasn't going to buy any shirts with words on them. And then promptly broke that one into a thousand pieces. So this year, I'm buying mostly clothing with words
xoxo Kellz* said…
I adore that sweater Emmy!
xoxo Kellz* said…
I adore that sweater Emmy!
Anonymous said…
Awww, well this was just too cool to pass up on, really! :-)
Chic Therapy said…
such an adorable sweater.
Beauty Follower said…
This is a fun sweater ;)

nonnapuffo said…
I really like this funny sweatshirt perfect on you
You have a beautiful blog. Visit mine if you want
A Very Sweet Blog said…
It is like that sometimes Emmy! Girl, LIVE LIFE! Get what you want! Enjoy each day! I'm trying to stay on the path. It gets a little shaky sometimes >.<
Valerie said…
I'm loving the sweater...it is such a cool design!

Vision By Mila said…
That's what resolutions are meant to be.. broken! I don't think I promised myself not to shop, if I did, I forgot. So I got just a couple of things on sale and then in a month or so I go to Romania and then in April to Mallorca, where they have.. **drums** Sephora! Who's gonna spluuurge?!

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