Weekend in Siberia

It did feel like everyone in the northeast border of North America was living inside the freezer this weekend. On Saturday, wind chill went down to about -40...yup....

Hudson Bay coat, hat and sweater I knitted awhile back, jeans from Urban Outfitters, Ugg Australia boots
Hand knits are perfect for this kind of weather.

This was the temp yesterday when the pictures were taken....
At least, it was "mostly sunny" :D

Anyhoo, wishing all of you a happy Monday, and Happy Family Day to my fellow Canucks who are off today:)


Beauty Follower said…
Very nice coat!!!

Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Yep it was Siberia in NYC as well. We were at -18 yesterday morning. I was supposed to attend a fashion week party but I just couldn't bring myself to go outside.
Adam said…
We are expecting winter weather bad here today too.

Did you see the new teaser for season 6? The one with the faces of characters in the halls of the House of Black and White
Unknown said…
So stunning look!
Have a nice evening!
Angela Donava
Hena Tayeb said…
it has been so cold here too.. windy and cold!
stay warm
Coco said…
You actually look like you are freezing hunny!! I would have given up taking pictures, brave girl! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose NEW POST
Oh to Be a Muse said…
You are certainly dressed for the occasion. I hope it starts to warm up soon for you guys -- it's supposed to be spring in no time!

Josie said…
Oh my gaahhhd! That is COLD. At least you have your lovely, cosy knits to keep warm in x

Josie | Sick Chick Chic
Elle Sees said…
yikes! i would give up on an outfit post in that weather! you're awesome for doing that!!
LV said…
I cant even imagine that type of cold. We are experiencing 90 degree weather in California.
Miu said…
What?! And you are wearing your jacket open ;)
Valerie said…
Oh wow, that is definitely cold! Wish I was in Canada right now...it is too warm in Texas! Also loving your coat...it is beautiful!

Midnight Cowgirl said…
So cold! I'm ready for spring :)
sonia // daring coco said…
Oh wow! Is that in Celsius or Fahrenheit? I got to experience snow for the first time while I was in the States and one night in Arizona it fell to that same temperature (in celsius). It was amazing! Hehehehe!

rooth said…
BRRRRRR stay warm!
Anonymous said…
Cuh-cuh-cooooold! I love the cold though :-)
Beauty said…
-21• ..Bbrrrr** that was cold; I can't even imagine. It's been in the single digits over here in Minnesota too but starting to warm up a bit. Stay warm.
I know what you mean, it has been incredibly cold everywhere. I love your coat though, definitely a good style to have in cold weather. Stay warm.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Hope you had a wonderful Family Day and that it starts to warm up soon. It's like 70-something degrees here in Cali.

Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Man it's up in the 70s here. Heater's on at night, AC on during the day. It's pretty frustrating.
Jane said…
oh my gosh.. cold cold cold! i love that knit hat!
Vision By Mila said…
Ok.. we've been there.. now more degrees, but also more snow! And here I was, hoping for spring! Looking forward to go to Romania in March, much nicer weather there.
A Very Sweet Blog said…
I heard about the big chill you guys had! -21!!!!!!!!! I don't think I would make it. LOL

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