The times... they are a-changin'.

"Purple rain, purple rain
I only want to see you
Only want to see you
In the purple rain."
- Prince
H&M shirt, jeans from Urban Outfitters, Vans slip ons


Sharon said…
I love your hair!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
It's like the color of the rainbow -- I love the hair!
Elle Sees said…
girl i can't even talk about prince without choking up!! but let's talk about how AWESOME your hair is!
Vanessa said…
Prince was my favorite, my family is till in mourning ;\ love the hair and tribute here, of course. I wrote a heartfelt one on the blog right after his passing.
Your hair is seriously cool! I so want to try an undercut but I keep chickening out. I'm still so sad about Prince and his passing came before I had even gotten over David Bowie.

I'm so glad you enjoyed DOTS! It made me cry so much as well especially ep. 15 but at least they had that epic reunion scene. I loved how she reacted afterwards because it was realistic and the ghost part had me and my husband totally ROLFLMAO! There's talk of a DOTS2 but the chances of it happening are slim since sequels are very rare in K-dramaland. It would probably be a new story by the same writers with the same cast but that'd be good too.
You are just one of those people who will always look cool with colourful hair. Love the sentiment for Prince, as well as the Bob Dylan song in the title.
Adam said…
very nice color
Dang Emmy, you look great with that undercut! I had thought about doing it in the past but my hair is thin so I probably look half bald instead of cool. LOL!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Vision By Mila said…
Is it new colors in your hair? Love it, I wish I'd be so "brave". I'd do the grey or lavender.
Fashionably Idu said…
I loooooove your hair!!!! How brave of you, I couldn't even cos I'm a chicken lol.
Y. are so trendy
Come ti visita muta corner
nerline said…
Your hair looks fierce! I love it.
Imogen said…
WOW your hair!! How did you even do that.
Ti said…
Wow, I love your pretty hair :)
Unknown said…
You look so cool and love your hair!!
Thank you I follow you now I'm the n.219
To me new post
Prince's death hit me like a ton of bricks! It was shocking nonetheless. Lovely tribute and your hair is always so cool.
Dang I wish I could dye my hair like you do! Bleaching chemically relaxed hair is a death sentence for black folks hair!
rooth said…
Love the new dye job!

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