Incomplete Life

"Just because you forget a dream doesn't mean that it stopped existing. In the same way, just because you don't see the road doesn't mean the road doesn't exist.
Lu Xun said, "Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way, a road is made."

-Manager Oh Sang Shik (played by Lee Sung Min in MISAENG) 

I just recently finished watching the Korean TV series MISAENG (미생 ) which translates into 'Incomplete Life". Rowena recommended this show awhile back, and I had it on my to-watch list. TBH, because it wasn't the usual rom-com I always go for, I wasn't as interested in watching it. I was like, "What? No romance?!?!" She did say it's one of the best shows she had seen so I thought I'd give it a go. Well, all I can say is, thank you, my friend.:)

Guys, if you have never seen a Korean drama before or even have any intention of seeing one, I still urge you to watch MISAENG. You won't regret it. It's one of the best shows I've ever seen. This totally deserves its 9.9 rating.

All images from

This show, from beginning to end, will just grab you. Every episode has so many poignant moments that everyone can relate to. I guess, for me, the reason it really resonated was because I worked in the corporate world after university (the show is about the people working in a trading company), and have seen a lot of the characters on this show in real life. However, even if one is not familiar with this world, I think all of us can relate to many of the characters, such as the leads Jang Geu Rae and Manager Oh Sang Shik. What great parts, and Im Siwan  and Lee Sung Min (respectively) did a fabulous job portraying them. The show also was pretty bang on (I think) in its depiction of the every day grind as one big game where every decision/move we make leads to a win or a lose,  and it's always a battle having to figure out what is the right thing to do.

Really...I have no words to describe how much I loved this show. Perfect cast (from the leads to the supporting cast)...awesome story line... moving quotes...what more can a girl ask for? :) I will be re-watching this show as time goes on for sure.

Do you guys have a movie or TV show that has inspired you?


So glad the show spoke to you! It is amazing when a program really grabs you!
Once my televisions get hooked back up (streaming) I will definitely watch this. It sounds really good. There are ALL kinds of characters in the corporate world. I definitely know! HaHaHa So I know this made for a wonderful show. Thanks for sharing Emmy. Have a great week.
LL Cool Joe said…
I don't watch TV at all. The only time I see films is when I travel from the UK to the States, and some films inspire me. I'll have to think of a few, as I can't at the moment!
I'm so glad that to hear you ended up loving this drama as much as I did Emmy! It really was such a terrific slice of life show and I think anyone who has worked in an office before can totally relate to the characters and the situations and that in itself was quite riveting.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
So glad to hear that you ended up loving it seeing that you weren't super interested initially. Thanks for sharing!
Adam said…
I've taken the delayed GOT news quite well, or maybe I'm in denial?
I can't quite put any show that I can relate to on top of my head now but it might come into mind later. I have no chance of watching k-dramas, not when my husband is hell bend on saying nope. LOL! We're usually into Marvel series, cop shows and the two reality shows that we watched are The First 48 and Intervention.

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Elle Sees said…
where do you watch these shows? a bit torrent?
This sounds fascinating!
Interesting...great photo kisses
No romance? haha, Emmy you are so funny! I will have to check it out. I' don't watch much televisin as of late, and we've only recently got into more K-drama. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. x/Madison
Vanessa said…
This definitely looks like an above average K Drama. The cinematography is beautiful too :O Will have to check this one out. Thanks for the recommendation!
Oh I know Rowena! I just met her in person. This K-drama sounds excellent I am looking for something new to watch and love the new pink hair

Mica said…
It sounds interesting! I've never watched any Korean shows but maybe should give it a go - always looking for new things to watch on netflix :)

Away From The Blue Blog
Jane said…
Yangkyu really liked this but I never saw it. But every one who has seen it tell me how great it is!

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