It's been 5 years!

Guys, it's been five years since I first started blogging! Wut?!?! Sigh...I can still remember debating whether I should even start blogging, and was so unsure about my first post. Here we are..a few years later.

I want to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to all of you, old and new readers alike, for taking the time out of your day to read and comment on my posts. I've met some great people through blogging, and have learned and grown a lot from reading your own blogs. You are all rock stars!

coat I sewed, Old Navy Dress, no-name leggings, Vans slip ons


Elle Sees said…
Happy blogiversary!!! And many moreeeee (*singing*)
LL Cool Joe said…
Happy blogiversary!!! Hey can I be a hip hop star rather than a rock star please? :D
Adam said…
Congrats not many hit the big five year mark. I've seen so many go under in my first two years alone. I'll be at 6 in November.
rooth said…
Happy anniversary and to many many happy returns!
Yay! That is such an exciting milestone. Congrats!!!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Happy happy 5 years of blogging! That is quite a milestone so cheers and here's to many more! I think I'm hitting my 5th this year as well. I'm terrible at remembering ;p
Midnight Cowgirl said…
Congratulations on 5 years!
Fashionably Idu said…
Happy 5th anniversary. Congratulations and cheers to many more.
Imogen said…
Wow congratulations, 5 years is a long time. Looking forward to more
Marta said…
Congrats on the five years! I'm five years late to the party, but I hope I'll be here for the next 5 :D
Amy Aed said…
Wow, happy five years! I recently reached four and it only seems like yesterday I started!

Little Moon Elephant
Shireen L. Platt said…
Whoa! 5 years is a long time in the blogging world, Emmy. I'm one of your newer readers but I love coming here for a read and have a little peak into your life and seeing your creations. Congratulations again on 5 years and wishing many more good blogging years to you!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Kasztanowy Domek said…
Congratulations!!! Great post! Have a lovely weekend!:))

Congratulations Emmy, That's quite a feat, and your blog has grown so much. So, glad that you are in the blogosphere. Here's to more years to come. xx/Madison
Vanessa said…
Congratulations on five years! It flies by, doesn't it?! :O But it's so fun, too!
Beauty Unearthly said…
Wow! You look so pretty!!!Have a successful day dear!
nerline said…
Congratulations doll! Blogging is really fun. You look lovely. I love the shoes.
Sakuranko said…
My best wishes and blessings for you in this Anniversary~
For many years more
Congrars dear!!! I love your shoes
Congrars dear!!! I love your shoes
Lima said…
5 years?! Bloody hell, well done darling and happy blogiversary! I've been blogging for 7 years, I can't believe how time flies!

Mica said…
Happy blogaversary! What a great milestone! I'm just a few months away from it at the moment, hopefully will still be blogging when I hit it :)

Away From The Blue Blog
Miu said…
Happy bloggiversary!
A Very Sweet Blog said…
I was your first commenter! :D Oh my gosh Emmy! I've been with you 5 years! Congratulations doll :D :D :D I enjoy your blog! You are such a joy and talk about such a diverse assortment of topics. I always look forward to reading it. I wish you many more. Let's blog until we're old and gray! Well the gray is happening already. LMAOOOO Love you girl!
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Happy bloggiversary pretty lady! You're one of my faves!
Happy 5 years of blogging!
Jane said…
happy 5 years!

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