Life is a highway.

Just some of the stuff we've been up to lately...:)

First off: an outfit post. Been very hot lately that shorts and sleeveless tops are pretty much the uniform.
hand-me-down top from my mom, shorts from Urban Outfitters, Birkenstocks
Summer means hanging out with the kiddos...zoo trips, shopping, keeping cool during the hot days, going to the park, biking around....

Hung out with friends for Summerlicious. I took the little one this time. We ended up eating at Sambucas. Food was fantastic, and the company was great:)

Went to the Galleria for the first time for authentic Korean stuff...hehe...was able to finally use the little Korean I've learned so far.

The yummy food we got there
And of course, playing Pokémon Go! 

What have you guys been up to? More importantly, do you play Pokémon Go? Gotta catch them all!!!


LL Cool Joe said…
Ha ha I see your kids like to pose as much as you do! We had a big BBQ and swim at our house yesterday. 40 people turned up. Not as many as other years, but enough!
LL Cool Joe said…
Ha ha I see your kids like to pose as much as you do! We had a big BBQ and swim at our house yesterday. 40 people turned up. Not as many as other years, but enough!
Miu said…
I'm so excited you could use your Korean! How did it go?
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Your kids are impossibly cute!!!! You rock the tattered shorts harder than any mom I've never seen! Werk it!
Shireen L. Platt said…
Good to know that you're already able to communicate a little in Korean, Emmy! Well, even if it's to order some food in a Korean restaurant, it's still better than most of us. LOL! Looks like you're having a fun Summer with the kiddos, we are now having the hottest week and I told my husband we will be heading out to the park, beach or anywhere else this weekend!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Adam said…
I haven't played Pokemon go, Daisy has a little
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Now that's Summer FUN! Emmy, that hello kitty dress your daughter is wearing is so precious. Also love the minion one. She's too cute. I love your hair color! That pink & yellow is a pretty mix. Those Korean dishes look delicious :D Love the activities you do with your children. Awesome parenting!
rooth said…
It's finally shorts season up in Canada! And your kids are experts at posing in pictures - I love it
Oh to Be a Muse said…
That's what summers are all about! Whenever I see that it's warm in Canada, I'm always like -- yeah, maybe I could live there, lol.
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Looks like you and your kiddos are making the most of your summer. Yay for putting your Korean to use while getting food. I find when I do that in Koreatown, they will be nicer and sometimes give me freebies XD You must have such energy to go out and catch Pokémon during the day and watch K-dramas at night. Your daughter makes the cutest little pirate btw!

Good to hear you're liking W. Yes I feel the same way about HHJ. I'd actually love to see them play sisters in something. I warned you about LJS. It's a shame his acting hasn't improved since SG. No I'm not watching Uncontrollably Fond. Melodramas are not my jam. The only way I'd watch is if an artist I really liked was in one like SHK in TWTWB. And I have zero love for Kim Woo Bin or Suzy because they can't act especially Suzy. And let's just say that I find KWB as attractive as LJS. Your sunbae is very picky ;p
Yes, it's been difficult to dress to work some days when it's hot out, although breezy on a weekend getaway. Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself with the family. Love the food, it all looks delicious to me. <3 /Madison
Midnight Cowgirl said…
This summer has been way too hot, but it looks like you guys are having lots of fun :)
Beauty Follower said…
I do not play pokemon... but all the teens are crazy about it in Athens lol :)
sonia // daring coco said…
Looks like y'all are making the most of summer. I don't do pokemon but I love how it's bringing everyone out of their homes, even if they are still glued to their screens BAHAHAHAHA!

OMG, I can't even with K-Dramas right now! I've been so obsessed! I finished up The Greatest Love over 2 or 3 days. I have to say it's been my FAVE so far. I watched Single Cunning Lady after that and while it was good, after TGL it just didn't compare! I stumbled on a show, I don't know if you heard of it but since you last comment you mentioned you were looking for something similar to Masters Sun then I have to tell you about this one! Oh My Venus. It also stars So Ji-sub and the girl from MGIAG. I'm almost finished BUT this might be EVEN BETTER than TGL! There's so many funny moments, especially at the start, it just makes you cringe with mortification for the main female lead! I won't go into detail but you'll get what I mean from the get go!

Elle Sees said…
You guys are living it up this summer!! Fun!! My sister is all about the Pokemon Go--she's teaching me how to play this weekend!
You're definitely keeping busy!! It's been way too hot to do anything here! This Northern girl can't take this Southern heat! lol And I haven't jumped on the pokemon train.... yet... lol
Vanessa said…
I wish I could play Pokemon go, I don't want to get sucked in and not get any work done though! Haha! Jealous of your summer fun!
Imogen said…
Always wonderful to see your family photos, looks like lots of fun. I haven't been playing pokemon go but my husband does so there are lots of pokemons in our house. I'm missing the warm weather as it's winter here.
nerline said…
The food looks so good and y'all look so happy!
Jane said…
Definitely playing! Gotta catch em all! :)

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