Let's go to to the Ex 2016

The annual family tradition of going to the CNE continues. It's always something we look forward to attending close to the end of summer, you guys. As usual, pics below:D

Pokémons everywhere!

A live show was going on....

There was an Augmenting Reality exhibit that was pretty cool.

Since I got my sewing machine from last year's CNE, I thought I'd keep the tradition and got myself a serger. Woo hoo!

How was your weekend, guys?


Shon said…
Wow, looks like so much fun and you all are so happy!! That serger is in for some fun as I know you will be busy, busy!!

I love your hair! I am thinking of returning to Pixieland after growing it out for 2 years!! Oh well, just hair right?

Happy Monday!!
I love how you guys make this an annual family tradition! It always looks like so much fun! Congrats on your new serger Emmy! We went to a bbq with friends on Saturday and just chilled out at home on Sunday.
rooth said…
The big ones are getting SO BIG!!
Jane said…
Love the pics! And congrats on the serger!!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Such a fun family vacay! Looks like your little girl is having a summer growth spurt! We spent a few days in Lake Tahoe -- a lot of fun as well.

Happy Monday, luv!
Tell lil bit, I want her Hello Kitty shirt! LOL It has to be the cutest!!! I was looking at all of the stuff animals you could win and in my mind I kept saying I WANT THE PIG...I WANT THE PIG! Or the unicorn ;) Great things to do there Emmy and congrats on the new machine. Whirl it girl!
nerline said…
This is such a cool sewing machine. It looks like you guys had so much fun. My daughter would love this hello kitty top.
LL Cool Joe said…
Blimey that looks like a complicated sewing machine!

Does your hubby always pull funny faces for the camera? Ha.
Adam said…
Its good to see classic generation one pokemon back in the spotlight
Fantastic family tradition events... The place is very happy for children too... Good shopping my dear ❤
Fantastic family tradition events... The place is very happy for children too... Good shopping my dear ❤
Elle Sees said…
Always look forward to these!!
Woo hoo! Looks like a darn good time!
Beauty Editer said…
Great post! Thanks for sharing.

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Coco said…
Your children must have the greatest fun with you! You are an awesome family Emmy, so sweet! Much much love and thank you for your lovely comments!

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