I'm a huge fan of this style on you, Emmy mainly because this is pretty much how my daily style is. LOL! Comfort is the key word for me, looking good these days comes second. Haha!
Yes you should really try to get back in to exfoliating when you can. I definitely notice a difference when I don't do it regularly but even once a week if you can fit it in is good. You do go in for those bad boy types don't you ;p Though I can't really think of CSW as one any more after seeing him as Chajumma. He is an excellent actor and you totally need to watch City Hall at some point. Since you like horoow, you should watch The Wailing. I keep hearing about it. A few movies off the top of my head - A Bittersweet Life, The Good The Bad and the Weird, The Chaser, Sunny, My Sassy Girl.
If you've been reading my blog for the past few months, then you know my love for Alabama Chanin. Here's the newest addition to my wardrobe. :) Alabama Chanin Flora Waffle Sweatshirt, worn with North Face jacket, UNIQLO pants, and Vans sneakers The organic waffle knit fabric is naturally dyed using Sappanwood sawdust, and the foliage design is hand-painted! What I love about Alabama Chanin is that many of their pieces are one-of-a-kind. PS It was my eldest's birthday when these pics were taken:) How was your weekend? Any new purchases lately?
There's nothing like wearing clothes that you've had for awhile and are sure to be comfortable... cardigan I knitted, Banana Rep tank, jeans from Target, Vans slip ons What are your tried-and-true pieces? :D
I don't think you can go wrong with anything that has The Beatles on it....right? no-name shirt bought from the CNE, Hot Topic pants, Topshop chelsea boots I swear...she's gonna start her own blog soon. What a ham! Do you like The Beatles?
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Yes you should really try to get back in to exfoliating when you can. I definitely notice a difference when I don't do it regularly but even once a week if you can fit it in is good. You do go in for those bad boy types don't you ;p Though I can't really think of CSW as one any more after seeing him as Chajumma. He is an excellent actor and you totally need to watch City Hall at some point. Since you like horoow, you should watch The Wailing. I keep hearing about it. A few movies off the top of my head - A Bittersweet Life, The Good The Bad and the Weird, The Chaser, Sunny, My Sassy Girl.
Big rumor, Rhaegar Targaryen will appear next season and the actor seems to be cast. Devin Oliver is his name.
"Whoever Jon's mother had been, Ned must have loved her fiercely, for nothing Catelyn said would persuade him to send the boy away."
Now that we know for sure of his parentage, reading this line feels much different.
Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY
Josie | Sick Chick Chic