Christmas 2016

How was your Christmas/holiday, guys? I hope you all had a wonderful weekend:) Today is Boxing Day here in Canada, so, as per the family tradition, my sisters and I are doing some shopping right now (window shopping in my case:D).

Here are some pics taken the past few days.

I'm wearing the latest thing I've sewed: a dress using Vogue Pattern 1496. I do love how this dress turned out:)

Sleep over at my mom's

Matching shirts...hubby looked excited, no?


Shon said…
Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing day friend!! I thought of you and your family today! Wow, what a great looking dinner table! Your kiddos are growing up so!! That dress is perfect for layering and it looks great on.

I pray for a wonderful and safe 2017 to you and your family!

Gingi said…
We had a wonderful Christmas here... looks like you guys did too! Happy Holidays and I hope you have a GREAT New Year!!! <3 -
Vanessa said…
Happy holidays to you :) Love the dress you sewed, looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
Josie said…
Love these photos Emmy, you all look like you had a fab time (also, LOVE your hair!!) Happy New Year to you guys xx

Sick Chick Chic
angieporelmundo said…
felices fiestas, unas fotos preciosas
Elle Sees said…
Looks like y'all had a fun Christmas! I wish my family would do matching something, anything for Christmas. It was in the 80s. It was so weird!
How adorable, Emmy. I am loving your latest sewing project. Glad to see you ane the family enoyed Christmas. We actually went out on Boxing day, I usually don't but I did find some great pieces. <3 /Madison
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Looks like you and your family had a fabulous time! I'm loving the striped dress. Hope you spotted something special while window shopping. :)
Marta said…
You and your family are the cutest! :D
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Oh my gosh, could you all be any cuter?!?!?! Love your hair!!
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Emmy, the family looks great! So glad you guys had a great Christmas. Love what you wore and THE FOOD...I could grab a plate! HAHAHA
rooth said…
Awww, I love those matching shirts!

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