Frigid and bitter

"Now is the Winter of our Discontent / Made glorious Summer by this sun of York..."
- Shakespeare

Tentree hoodie, no-name leggings, Tecnica moon boots


Those boots look fun to wear, Emmy. Such wonderfully bold and bright hues for the winters day. :) They remind me of snowboard boots. Enjoy the rest of your week. /Madison
Adam said…
great outfit

winter is coming

on Dec 21
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
The weather had been pretty mild but boom winter is in full effect in NYC this week and we even got a few minutes of snow this morning. You're my hero for doing this shoot w/o a coat Emmy! Your moon boots do look nice and toasty though ;p I'm really glad that the Innisfree mask is working out for you so far!

Thank you so much for the lovely holiday card. That pic of you kiddos is super super and you know I love that you decked it out DOTS style. You def. know what I like LOL
Midnight Cowgirl said…
I think of that line from Shakespeare every winter, ha ha. Love your boots :)
Vision By Mila said…
Look at those boots! So cool!
Shireen L. Platt said…
Okay, you are officially Superwoman for being able to withstand the freezing temperature for these pictures! LOL! It snowed non stop for two days on my side which is so unusual as we usually don't get snow. Driving has been interesting for me....

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Well, you are prepared Emmy! It's in the 60's here and I am cold. Do you think I would make it in Canada? HAHAHAHAHA I would probably be like Leo with a bear on top of my head.
Vanessa said…
I love the boots. Is that...snow!? I wish we could see some of that down here :P haha! Fun to look at but I hate the cold.
nerline said…
You look cozy chic, Emmy! I love the boots.
Fashionably Idu said…
Temps here have been a roller coaster. Chilly and windy one day, sunny and mild the next. Those boots are just what the doctor ordered. Perfect!
Lyosha Varezhkina said…
great look! adore the boots - so nice for cold

Inside and Outside Blog
P.S. would you like to follow each other?
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Yesterday it was about 45F... Today it is 73F in Texas. SEVENTY THREE DEGREES and it's going to get down to 25 tonight! Texas weather is just plain screwy!
Sharon said…
Those boots look perfect! So comfy and warm
Fantastic winter boots... The color is perfect
aki! said…
I have never seen boots like that! Is it purely stylistic or made for trekking in the snow?

7% Solution
Miu said…
You look so cosy and toasty :)

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