The one with the globe

And then, just like that, it's December and Christmas is around the corner.
Boxy sweater I knitted, pants from Target, Vans slip ons, Cambridge Satchel Company Fluoro classic satchel bag

Shopping is seewiyus beezness!


Elle Sees said…
I have wanted one of those satchels--in hot pink--for YEARS! Love yours...and that globe! Happy Dec 1st!!
nerline said…
Good morning Emmy!
You look great. The globe looks so big. You are so talented and creative. I love that sweater!
LL Cool Joe said…
Than goodness for the peace sign I was getting worried. :D I like the trousers from target. I never see anything that cool in the mens clothing in Target, it's all a bit "old man" for me!
Beauty said…
Yes, it is December; How amazing! Time moves by so fast these days. You did a great job with the sweater; beautiful color combination; very perfect for Fall.
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
It's so crazy that it's December already! I kind of don't want this year to end because the next 4 are probably gonna be long and miserable if y'know what I mean O_o Always love seeing your hand made goodies! BTW wore my Emmy-made beanie today :D The slouchiness is perfect! <3
rooth said…
It's winter time! Bundle up Emmy!
Vanessa said…
Yep, here it is! I am in a made rush to make all the products for people to buy ASAP at this shop now, aaaah! But want to throw in some Christmas parties and fun too. You have fun this year, too :)
Midnight Cowgirl said…
What a fun Christmas display, and your sweater is so cute!
Miu said…
I think your pictures are the first time I see the satchels actually being used :D
Shireen L. Platt said…
Have you ever thought of opening an Etsy store selling your knitted stuff, Emmy? Bet you would make a mint!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Coco said…
Hello cutie! Thank you for your lovely comment, have a happy weekend!
Fashionably Idu said…
I so agree with Shireen. You should be selling. You'll make a ton of $ especially at this time of the year. So beautiful. It's December for real, shocking!
Sharon said…
I need that satchel!
Marta said…
I'm done with all the shopping for christmas gifts! By the way, your sweater is super cute :)
I can't believe the year is almost over! Every year, it seems to go by faster and faster! And I definitely need to get started on that Christmas shopping... ;)
sonia // daring coco said…
I don't even understand how its December already. I'm not ok with it either.

Chelsey said…
Ooh! I love your handmade knit! Pattern?
A Very Sweet Blog said…
That globe is gorgeous! Yes, shopping is serious. There have been some serious deals.
Vision By Mila said…
What did you get from that shop? :)

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