Pink is the new black.

"Pussyhat Project is a movement, not just a moment. 
Keep connected! Keep communicating! Keep fighting for women's rights! 
Hold onto your hats,  and wear them loudly and proudly. "
Pussy Hat I knitted using Lion Brand yarn, H&M sweater, pants from Urban Outfitters, UGG  boots
(Pattern for the hat is in the link above, or if you're on Ravelry, click here.)

The sea of pink hats at the January 21st/2017 Women's March in DC...
image from
image from


This is so nice! Great post.

Coco said…
I always said that but nobody paid attention! You look smashing in pink!
Carolina G. Ticala said…
Your blog is beautiful !!! I would love to see you on my blog !! Happy day!!!
rooth said…
I love how your hat turned out!
Super excited events and vibrant color too
Adam said…
You might upset King Joffrey....I mean Donald Trump wearing that.
Unknown said…
I want a pussy hat. Let me reframe that. I need a pussy hat! I can knit, but I don't follow patterns too well. I went to the Women's March in Oakland California. Never have I felt so supported, understood, and United!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Way to rock your pussy hat Emmy! I got on the bus the other week and some old dude in a Make America Great hat made a face at my pink hat and my husband said that I shot him one of the dirtiest death stares ever which I didn't even realize at the time. It was like a total visceral reaction to him and that hat. I don't know how I'm gonna get through the next 4 years. Just keep hoping that it won't be that long O_o
Serena said…
Yes it's true! Pink is new black!
Nice look
Suvarna Gold said…
you look cuuuuute!!!!!

lets support each other, maybe a follow for follow? let me know in my comment.

Valentines day OOTD - here

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Stay Gold
Shireen L. Platt said…
I am not the biggest fan of pink but I could not be anymore proud seeing the sea of pinks during that march. You rock that pussy hat, Emmy, you go girl!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Josie said…
I love it Emmy! Looking at those photos of the march makes my heart swell with pride x

Sick Chick Chic
Valerie said…
This is such a great post! I love your pink hat, and those photos of the march is such a beautiful sight! Thanks for sharing, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
LL Cool Joe said…
That hat suits you and I love what it stands for as well!
Fashionably Idu said…
Wow, a sea of pink heads. Pink is totally the new black. You've got skills girl and I love your patchwork jeans. Totally giving me life.
sonia // daring coco said…
I'm in love with that hat Emmy and I love it even more after learning about its significance. Girl power!

A Very Sweet Blog said…
Love your hat and what it signifies Emmy! I remember seeing the various marches around the world.

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