March Break 2017

We're still in the middle of spring break for the kiddos, but I thought I'd just share some pics of what we've been up to:)

Niagara Falls (Clifton Hill)

Great Wolf Lodge

The drive home...yup....We got caught in the snow storm that swept the northeast.
The boys and I also watched Kong: Skull Island.
image from

Short review: Highly recommend. A fun watch with great special effects. I really loved the cast as well. Anything with John Goodman and Samuel L. Jackson is a win for me:D

How's your week so far? Have you seen the movie?


Jane said…
Have fun and stay warm!!
Amy Aed said…
This looks like so much fun, you're such a cute family!

And I looooove your hair :)

My Latest Post
Josie said…
You always look like you have the best days out - you must make so many fun memories with your family! I really want to see that film too x

Sick Chick Chic
A Very Sweet Blog said…
I definitely want to see Kong Skull Island. It was #1 at the Box Office. Are you taking your little one to see the new Beauty & the Beast movie? Emmy, you guys are having a blast. I could go and see all the Ripley Believe it or Nots around the world. They're so much fun. Great Wolf Lodge is always a blast! So much to do. Glad you guys had a great time :D
How fun! It looks like the whole family has been having a blast. I love going to Niagara Falls. There is always so much to do :)
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Looks like you guys are having tons of fun family time despite the cold weather! Enjoy and stay warm Emmy! My husband wants to see Logan over Kong Skull Island which is fine by me because I've never been much of a fan of the King Kong franchise. I personally would prefer to see Beauty & The Beast. We'll probably compromise and see both :)
Adam said…
I'll have to wait on Skull Island, Daisy wants to see Beauty and the Beast
LL Cool Joe said…
You really are a family of posers! And I mean that in the nicest possible way of course. :D

I wouldn't have enjoyed driving back in that weather much!
Coco said…
It looks like the kids had a lot of fun! We don't have Spring break in Italy. Impressive picture of the snowstorm! Tons of love dear Emmy!
Midnight Cowgirl said…
Looks like it's been a fun spring break! I haven't seen the movie yet, but anything with Tom Hiddleston tempts me :)
Fun and happy post
You are fantastic
Marta said…
Looks like you all had so much fun! I really want to watch the new King Kong movie :D
Dami said…
Lovely post, looks like a lot of fun.
Shireen L. Platt said…
Yessss! I wanted to watch Kung: Skull Island but wasn't sure if it would be good! Now off to convince my husband that we need to watch the movie....LOL!

Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity
Unknown said…
Stunning pictures!
Have a nice week-end!
Gil Zetbase
Fashionably Idu said…
How very fun. Glad you made it safely through that snow storm. Spring break for us is not for another 3 weeks or so. I'm so in love with your hair!
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
I haven't seen the movie. Probably won't either but see Tom Hiddleston's in it sooo.... I'll probably look up movie stills.... mmmmmm....
Elle Sees said…
How long have y'all been going there? I look forward to the GWL pics every year of the kiddos.
rooth said…
Brrrr still looks so chilly up there. I won't ever forget the sneak video your daughter made the one year you guys were up there
Vision By Mila said…
I hope we make it to some beach holiday this year!

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