New in...board set up

Since spring is coming soon (which means summer is around the corner, right), I thought it was time for a new skateboard set-up....bwahaha!

Thank you to my sponsor, G-Dog (aka my husband).

Shout out as well to Hammer Skateboard for a great and professional service (and also for the free sticker and DVD :D)

I'm not gonna go into details of what I got (but of course you may contact me if you are interested) , but you have to agree this deck is super cute, right?!?!

Girl x hello Sanrio Brandon Biebel deck
Setting it up:

And here's the finished skateboard....weeeeeee!
I rode it briefly, and I'm loving it already! It's gonna be gnarly once I break them in.

Now, if only it would stop being cold over here...sigh....


Dami said…
Love it
Adam said…
I've always been to afraid to ride a skateboard. Nothing to hold on to.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I don't know much about skateboards, but I know a cute deck when I see one. You're going to have so much fun with this in a couple months.
Jane said…
so neat!! :) i haven't skateboarded in a zillion years!!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
What a sweet board! The designs really are too cute and how cool that you skateboard Emmy! My husband was a crazy good skateboarder when he was in high school but he doesn't do it anymore. Now he just likes to build computers for fun ;p
Serena said…
Elle Sees said…
I didn't know you could skateboard! That's so freaking cool! Love the deck.
Shireen L. Platt said…
I had no idea that you're a skateboarder, Emmy! I tried once when I was a kid but fell flat on my face and never ever again. I stick to roller skating, thank you! LOL!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Wow, the board is adorable! I cannot skateboard, I just remember failing at it as a teen, but snowboarding was a different story, I loved that! It's nice to know more about you. Love the designs and colours on it her too. Have a great weekend, Emmy! x
nerline said…
I hope it is as easy as you make it look. Great job, and have fun!
Marta said…
It's so cute! And you look so happy with it ahah :D
Coco said…
Emmy you make me want to go skateboarding with this setup! Unfortunately my only attempt resulted in a lot of bruises lol!!! Tons of love my friend! Baci, Valeria
Unknown said…
Looks cool!
Have a nice week-end!
Gil Zetbase
A Very Sweet Blog said…
It's very cute Emmy! I love the design. I did not know you skateboarded! Have your husband take photos showing us your moves girl! Sending warm weather your way Emmy.
Emmylou said…
Kim, I should tell you I'm not amazing! Still trying to perfect some tricks, but for sure in the summer, will ask him to film me with the kiddos just cruising or something:D
Fashionably Idu said…
Girl I want to see you in skateboarding action. Would be so cool. I love it, very fun and vibrant design.
Imogen said…
Looks so cool and now I want to see you ride.
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
I didn't know you're a skater!!!

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