The sands of time

My youngest turned eight over the weekend...holy crap! As a parent, nothing really shows the passage of time more than seeing your kids grow in a blink of an eye. It's quite a scary and exhilarating ride....

She also had a recital for the end of the fall season in her ballet class.

As a reference, this was my first post that included her...yup....


rooth said…
Eight?! Happiest birthday to her but hey, can they slow down a little bit?
Definitely scary how quickly time passes! It looks like it was a fun birthday for her. And that cake looks awesome!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Happy Birthday to your cheekiest child! Her facial expressions are seriously the best :D
sonia // daring coco said…
The happiest of birthdays to your little princess. It is amazing how they grow so fast. I was at a one year olds birthday and saw some people I hadn't seen in maybe a year or two. Their kids were HUGE. I'm still reeling over it. Some are close to their teen years too!

Your Invisible Crown said…
Happy birthday, and that cake sure looks good to me!
What a beautiful little one! I love these fun photos, Emmy. Wishing the best to you and your family. <3 /Madison
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Wow, I can't believe she's already 8! How old was she when you started this blog? Happy belated birthday to her.
Emmylou said…
Cheryl, she was about 1 and half yrs old! I just updated my post to include my post that first featured her:D
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Happy Birthday to your CUTIE Emmy! Gosh, I remember when she was just a toddler. Time is passing too fast! Absolutely adorable and I love her cake. I think I saw a picture of her on your twitter account with a hunk of chocolate cake! It looked good as well! HaHaHa Looks like she had an amazing birthday and congratulations on her ballet recital.
Midnight Cowgirl said…
Aw, happy birthday to your youngest!
Beauty said…
Aaww, they grow up so fast. Congratulations to you both. Beautiful Pictures.
Vanessa said…
She's so pretty in her red dress! I totally agree, my niece is 16 (aaaah) it's crazy how fast they grow-up, ESPECIALLY in that 8-13 range. Enjoy your little girl while she's still little!
Mica said…
They do grow so quickly (and my eldest is only 3, ha!) it just flies by, I swear time speeds up when you're a mum.

Happy birthday to your daughter - looks like you all had fun celebrating :)

Hope you are having a lovely week! I'm getting excited it will be December this weekend! We are going to put up our tree then.

Away From The Blue Blog
Vision By Mila said…
Happy Birthday, little one! Or not so little anymore! Lukas is turning 3 in a bit over a week and I still can't believe it!
Miu said…
Happy belated birthday to your littlest one :)
Adam said…
happy birthday to her
Jane said…
She is so adorable. Happy belated birthday!

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