Back at Ripley's

I posted about a trip to Ripley's Aquarium before. It really is a great place to go, not just for kids but for adults too.

 Since it's March Break, I decided to take the kids earlier this week. A word of warning: It is best not go when kids are on a break, especially if you hate crowds, crying kids and stressed-out parents....just saying....

If you're visiting Toronto, I really do recommend Ripley's:)


How fun Emmy! This sounds like a great family outing—you‘re right, aquariums are not just for children, I love visiting aquariums too! Lovely photos! Thanks for the recommendation. Happy weekend! x
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
This looks like the perfect place for some good old family fun. I'm still fascinated with aquariums and I'm definitely not a kid ;p The jellyfishes are always so cool! Happy weekend chingu!
Unknown said…
Happy Spring Break Emmy :) You’ve talked about Ripley’s Aquarium before and it’s even cooler this time around. I need a picture with this Canada sign, It’s awesome. I love all the jelly fish.
Midnight Cowgirl said…
What a great aquarium! That looks like a fun family outing :)
Oh my gosh, I would imagine the crowds were INSANE. But I am so glad you were able to go! It is always so much fun to visit Ripley's. Love your hair, by the way!
Adam said…
Cool shots of your visit
Mica said…
Oh wow you can see the crowds in a few shots, crazy! Looks like you still had a really fun time too though :) We took our kids to the aquarium when we visited Sydney and they loved it so much! Such a good day out :)

Hope you are having a good weekend :) We are having a quiet one to recover from our busy week!

Away From The Blue Blog
LL Cool Joe said…
It looks like an amazing place. You realise your daughter has now started posing just like you in photos! Ha. I did grin at the photo where the guy in the background looks like his head is a large punch ball!
Fashionably Idu said…
Great outing for the family. Would love to visit someday. Your kids are so adorable!!!
Hena Tayeb said…
Looks like a great time!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Yea, I hate crowds, but when all the kids are on break at the same time, there's nothing you can really do about that. So glad you guys got to enjoy this aquarium.
A Very Sweet Blog said…
I think it is so cool, you guys have a Ripleys AQUARIUM! I've only heard of the museums over here Emmy. Glad the family had a great time.
Your Invisible Crown said…
Looks like you guys had a great trip, and ofcourse, I'm digging the wall-art in the first photo!
sonia // daring coco said…
This looks so cool. I've never been to an aquarium. I was "saving myself" for one somewhere (maybe in Dubai) and I forgot where that was hahahaha!

Miu said…
Oh wow, I can't believe how far I'm behind with reading your posts 🙉

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