#FleursdeVilles at Vaughan Mills

We had the chance to see the pop-up Fleurs de Villes show at Vaughan Mills which featured mannequins dressed in beautiful floral gowns. It was really amazing how these looked, you guys!

Here are some pics we took:)


Oh to Be a Muse said…
These are awesome. I would love to own a floral dress like one of these some day -- just for fun. These floral mannequins also remind me of this book The Butterfly Garden.

Happy Tuesday!
Oh my gosh, I hadn't heard about this. It looks SO fun! Those are some seriously fabulous dresses. And just in time for spring! I definitely think I need to make a trip out to see them for myself if they are still up.
Just gorgeous! The creativity and artistry is really amazing on these! I saw something similar in NYC last year :)
rooth said…
Oooo how lovely!
Valerie said…
Wow, this is amazing! The floral designs are absolutely beautiful!

Pink Pretender said…
What a wonderful display! Seems like a really creative place!

Emma | http://www.pinkpretender.co.uk/
Unknown said…
That's really gorgeous!
Have a nice week!
Gil Zetbase
Those are so pretty Emmy! It's amazing how they create a design only using flowers. The final product is always so beautiful. I bet it smelled great as well. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Wow, those flower gowns are incredible!
GlamourZONE said…
Hi girl, the creativity here is on another level. So beautiful.

Miu said…
Omg, that's so cool! I am always amazed at what florists can do with flowers 😍

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