
This is officially my 1000th post, you guys! IKR?!?!? I honestly didn't think I'd be blogging for this long.  Thank you to all of you who take the time to read my little musings and all rock:) 

What better way to celebrate than to feature the Olsen twins again on this blog who have been my fave fashion icons for forever:)
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Congrats on your 1000th post! It makes sense the Olsens are your inspiration! I love the all black suit—very sleek! Happy weekend, Emmy! x :-)
Mica said…
Congrats on your 100th post, that's an incredible milestone to reach! :)

The Olsen twins do have some incredible style too, they layer so well!

Hope you have had a great week so far and you have a lovely weekend ahead of you! It's been a bit cooler and rainy this week here but I'm not complaining, I'm excited Autumn is starting to arrive at last :)

Away From The Blue Blog
Adam said…
I'm glad you keep posting
Congratulations on 1K Emmy! That's quite a blogging achievement. One thing I always appreciate about the Olsen twins' style is that they usually look to be wearing comfortable footwear. I just can't relate to anyone in sky high stilettos y'know ;p
THAT. IS. AMAZING. Congratulations!! What a cool milestone. It is really crazy once you start to think about just how many posts that really is. You are amazing! And I absolutely adore the Olsen twins. Their style is always on point.
Unknown said…
My congrats!
Have a nice week-end!
Gil Zetbase
Unknown said…
Congratulations on your 1000th post! That’s sooooo awesome! I’m mad proud of you. I haven’t thought about the Olsen twins in a long time but once a fan ALWAYS A FAN!! They are such beautiful women, and there style is pretty epic. If I was that skinny I would do tons on layers also, i love this style. I need all of there loafers :)
rooth said…
Congrats! I love how the Olsen twins have the comfy shoes thing down!
Bambi said…
Congrats on 1000th post! I haven't seen Olsen twins in years.
Congratulations Emmy! I always enjoy reading. They have the best outerwear and totes.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
These twins are the queens of fab coats. And big CONGRATULATIONS on your 1,000th post!
Hena Tayeb said…
1000 posts.. wow that is incredible. Congratulations.
Jane said…
Wow! Happy 1000 posts! :)
Miu said…
Congratulations to your 1000th post! 🎉
I especially like the last outfit, but all of them look very comfortable ☺️

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