Second time's the charm.

Do you guys remember this dress I sewed awhile back?

I really didn't like it and never did wear it again, so I decided to turn it into a skirt.
skirt I sewed (self-drafted) worn with leather jacket from Urban Outfitters, Muji shirt and Doc Martens
I re-sewed the four bottom panels and turned it into one that looks a bit like a kilt. I attached a kilt buckle and used a kilt pin which were surprisingly easy to find!

 In progress:
hand-sewing the buckle

The waistband after
I must admit I'm quite happy how this turned out. Definitely will get more wear than the original!

And speaking of second time, I knitted another one of these:)
used the Pussyhat Project pattern


Mary-Grace said…
Emmy the dress you sewed was very nice and I love how you turned it into a beautiful skirt.I wish I could sew like you. Wish you an amazing weekend.
What an awesome idea to rework the dress into a skirt Emmy! It looks awesome and I love the kilt details you added! So envious of your mad sewing and knitting skills chingu :D Happy weekend!
rooth said…
That knit hat is adorable
Yes, I totally remember that dress! I loved it then but my GOSH does it look incredible as a skirt. It is amazing how you changed it up to suit your style more!
Adam said…
Looks much better now
Unknown said…
Great style!
Have a nice week-end!
Gil Zetbase
GlamourZONE said…
Hi dear, the skirt looks way better than the skirt. Sometimes a little alteration is important. Have a great sunday.
Josie said…
You look so cool Emmy! Love seeing what you make. This reminds me of this x (ps, I hope you and your fam all good!)

Love that you turned the dress into a skirt! It looks so cute as a kilt :)
Fashionably Idu said…
The skirt is cute but Oh my gosh, I love the dress!!! Great idea to reinvent it, at least it didn't go to waste.
Chic Therapy said…
I prefered it as a dress! But also looks good as a skirt.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I love the addition of the kilt buckle on this newly re-designed skirt. Looking great!
Hena Tayeb said…
oh this looks totally cool! Love it
I LOVE it as a skirt! Looks so good on you Emmy! Looks great with that leather jacket! You rock girl!
Jane said…
Oh my gosh! I absolutely love the skirt!! Looks amazing on you!

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