Wrinkle in time

I am the worst fashion blogger. I really should pay attention to the little details. My older sis once said that I should really iron my clothes before I post it here...I say NEVER! Bwahaha!

top from Hot Topic (I think), Uniqlo pants and Adidas sneakers

Out and about


Your Invisible Crown said…
I never iron! After clothes have dried I just hang them in the closet or fold them Marie-Kondo-style, thinking NEXT time, I will get some ironing done.....
Mica said…
Your tee is so fun! don't worry about ironing! It's impossible to tell through a photo if someone has had a busy day leading to creased clothes or they just haven't ironed, haha! Ironing is the housework I hate the most so I understand not doing it all the time, I try avoid it when I can! Luckily if I put most things on coat hanger outside in the sun to dry they dry relatively crease-free ;)

Hope you had a wonderful weekend :) Mine was busy but good!

Away From The Blue Blog
rooth said…
I hate ironing as well so I feel ya!
LL Cool Joe said…
Haha, maybe I need to become a fashion blogger then because I iron! When I buy stuff online it arrives all folded up and I often get the iron out. I even iron my caps!
R.ChamberofBeauty said…
Your tee looks lovely. Ironing clothes are really quite boring for me. You shouldn't worry about it. You are looking cute.
Have a happy Monday <3
New post- http://www.rakhshanda-chamberofbeauty.com/2018/07/how-to-get-motivated-when-you-feel-lazy.html
Marisa Cavaleiro said…
Hello Emmy
That's right Emmy if you don't want to iron your clothes don't do it. You own your life and your style, you don't have to do things out of obligation or what others will think of you. that's just the way it is.
You look so funny on the first photo.
These are pictures of big cities with these huge buildings, here it's all on a small scale, a 12-storey building is already a skyscraper ahahah


Rowena @ rolala loves said…
I have a total aversion to ironing because my mom was obsessive about it when I was growing up. I just steam my clothes as needed. You should just do you Emmy. You can't really tell in photos if something is wrinkled anyway LOL ;p
Adam said…
I only use an iron for job interviews
Adam said…
Comes in handy when they reject me.
That top is super cute! I absolutely love it. And your pictures of the city are so stunning. I still can't get over how talented you are.
Your so funny, I often iron my clothes. I like your outfit tho!
Sir Jack Brabham said…
I love your blogs. You always have something new for us to look forward to. Thanks!
Valerie said…
I never iron, so I totally understand! :) I love the top...the back is so unique! Also these city shots are amazing!

Anonymous said…
I do iron some times and I got a great tip from a vlogger--get a mini ironing board, I did;'t even know they made them! That is fun top btw.

Allie of
Fashionably Idu said…
I iron my clothes crisp especially for a shoot. But we're all unique in our ways. Cute tee.


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