Sweater weather

It's been kinda cold lately. Fall is really here and the sweaters are coming out again.

Forever 21 sweater, BDG pants, Vans slip on


Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Cute sweater! I can't believe how much the weather has cooled down in just one week. Well at least I did get to wear my new Chinti & Parker sweater today ;)
It is crazy how quickly the weather turned! But on the plus side, now you get to wear super cute sweaters. This one is gorgeous...and I love those jeans!
GlamourZONE said…
I love the sweater , so beautiful. Experiencing the same kind of weather. Kisses!
Mica said…
Love the texture in your outfit with the cosy jumper nad patchwork jeans! :) It's funny, I'm waiting for it to properly warm up here so I can pack all my winter woolies away, haha! Spring is here but it's not quite warming up fully yet!

Hope you are having a great week so far :)

Away From The Blue Blog
LL Cool Joe said…
I'm back in the UK now and it's pretty chilly. Autumn is on the way. Bummer.

I still love Forever 21 clothes for men, even though I'm a little bit older than 21. :D Okay, a lot older.
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Send some of that weather this way! It's still too hot here. LOL
Marisa Cavaleiro said…
Hello Emmy
wowww the color of your hair is outstanding !!!
If I was younger I would also do it ah!
Oh I still don't want to think about shirts I'm still wearing a tee!
Your jeans are wondeful and so is your daughter!


Dr Christian Farthing said…
Nice sweater. I like the color and its simplicity.
As a person who absolutely loves autumn season, I am excited for cooler temperatures. I love your outfit. The colour of your jumper is lovely. <3 Have a great weekend Emmy. x
Unknown said…
Stunning look!
Have a nice end of the week!
Gil Zetbase
Elaine Amphlett said…
I want to try to wear a sweater made by you.
Miu said…
Such lovely colours!

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