
I'm kinda late into the game but why not? :D

2009 vs 2019





2 vs 3 kids...LOL


Mica said…
Oh such a fun challenge when you look at it through the kids! :) I was kid free and getting married in 2009 - such a different time for me, haha! :)

Hope that your week is going well and you have a nice weekend ahead of you :)

Away From The Blue Blog

Adam said…
You look about the same, minus the hair.
FashionRadi said…
I love this challenge and seeing everyone's photos. Thanks for sharing yours!

aww...you and your kids look so happy.
lovely family
Marisa Cavaleiro said…
Hello Emmy
I did this on Instagram, and I love the ideia. Its so funny, or not, seeing what we changed. OMG I'm older and I can see that on my face. You look happier you have one more kid!!!

rooth said…
My goodness, they were such babies!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Wow the kids have grown so much :D
The Glossychic said…
You didn't change much, you look nice from the your childhood. Amazing photos.
The Glossychic
Wonder Cottage
Hena Tayeb said…
Aw so cute when they were so little.. and now look have big and beautiful they are are.

Oh this is such a cool challenge! And love the photos you posted and getting to see the throwbacks. Fun!

Allie of
sonia // daring coco said…
This wins the 10 year challenge for me. Look how big (plus 1!) they've gotten. Crazy. I always find it so crazy seeing kids grow up. I can never get my mind around it. Mainly because I grew up with people constantly telling my parents or myself how big I've gotten through the years hahaha!

Vision By Mila said…
I think all my 2009 pics are on that external hard drive that won't get recognized by Windows anymore.. arghh.. your kids are so big! Time flies, eh?!

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