Snowmageddon 2019

Us over here in northeast America has been hit really hard lately with Arctic-like weather. As Canadians, we should be used to this by now...but no...not really.

So here I am, wearing my snow plowing outfit: hoodie, pants and boots. (Obviously, I wear a jacket too, but it's the same one I wear the whole winter season, so meh....)
old Tentree hoodie and pants from Urban Outfitters, Ugg Australia boots

All the shoveling made us tired and hungry...

As of yesterday.....
It truly has been relentless, guys....and it's only January!!!! Mother puss bucket!


rooth said…
Oh my god, I'm slightly envious but only slightly
Unknown said…
OMG Long time no see! Happy New Year Beautiful. I’m finally back to blogging and couldn’t wait to visit your space on the internet :) Wow Arctic like weather!!! That sounds intense. It’s been 55 degrees to 70 degrees in Northern California and a lot of people are complaining. WE are so spoiled in California haha. I’m digging your pants Man that’s a lot of snow. The kids are getting soooo big.
We don't have much snow right now, but temps are supposed to be 20 below tomorrow, and I am not looking forward to going outside in arctic temps...
Chic Therapy said…
Snow days can be fun! I took a bunch of cool snow pictures during the last storm.
Mica said…
Oh my goodness that's a lot of snow! It looks so fun to play in but no doubt it would make real life and getting out and about difficult! hope it doesn't hang around too long for you!

The weekday wear linkup is live on my blog, I'd love you to join! :)

Away From The Blue Blog
Yikes that's a lot of snow. We haven't really gotten much in NYC yet and it only started getting really cold last week. Of course I was like please don't snow, I have to fly outta here ;p Stop sending us your cold weather LOL
Adam said…
We won't get any snow, but we will feel some of that icy chills.
I seriously cannot believe how insane the weather has been this winter. I'm pretty tired of it...but at least you got super cute pictures out of it! I hear we are supposed to get even more snow as the week goes on. Joy!
wow real winter here- so so cool pictures xx
Oh my goodness, that is a lot of SNOW ... we had snow and today at work I am freezing even with my furry scarf bundles. haha. I hope you stay warm. I remember visiting Canada for work years ago, we saw people were ice fishing in April and it was cold. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Valerie said…
Oh my gosh, look at all that snow! It definitely looks cold out there, but really beautiful! I actually miss the snow we had when I grew up in Minnesota...but I don't miss having to shovel it! Hope you all stay warm!
Arien said…
Hi dear
Love your cute pictures on the snow, seems that you have an amazing winter time
Hello Emmy
I saw in the news about the polar air mass that is going through Canada and the US say it's a cold chill to the bone. I think the snow is beautiful but I don't want to be there !! No no!!
Great post and photos!
Have a lovely day!

Tsukiakari from
iamperlita said…
Wow! Snow just seems like such a hassle. You guys are amazing! Stay warm! Enjoy your week! ♥

PerlaGiselle |
we feel cold as well in deep south States.
take care
Gemma Etc. said…
Wow you guys had so much snow! In the UK we've had a little but I want more haha xx

Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️

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