I jinxed myself!

Guys, if you've seen the vlog I did, you might remember how I said that I was happy there was no more snow.

I was so wrong!!!!
top from my younger sis, UNIQLO pants, Timberland boots

Child labour...bwahaha!

How's it going where you guys are? Snow, too?


Mica said…
Oh wow I can't believe you have more snow, it's spring for you isn't it?

Here I am enjoying the cooler autumn weather which is a change from the humidity! :) It's nice it's cooling off, maybe the heat will end up over your side of the world soon!

Away From The Blue
rooth said…
Sheesh - did y'all get that this past weekend??
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Yikes I can't believe you guys got more snow. It's 51 and sunny in NYC today. We got pretty lucky with the snow here this winter. Last winter it snowed in April after the cherry blossoms bloomed. It was pretty but not okay.
Hey chingu, why does your blog always prompt me with endless recapcha thingees to post a comment now? Does mine do the same thing?
Emmylou said…
Rowena, thanks for the heads up! I'll see what I can do. I have comment moderation set to NEVER so I don't know this would show up:(
Laineypoodles said…
Ooooh the shirt looks good!
Lee said…
Nice outfit :)
Haha, I still can't get over that snowfall on the weekend! I went to bed and it was rainy. I woke up and it was a winter wonderland. Sigh! On the plus side, you look gorgeous as always. I love that top on you :)
sonia // daring coco said…
Ahhh the joys of having kids hahaha! At least in my mind I envision they'll always do any chore I ask them too hehehe! I love this striped top, such a unique piece. Sorry for the snow, but I'd be ok with taking it from you ;o)

Adam said…
She could go on strike. Wow at the snow though, I mowed my lawn today

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