Obsession #49

Summer will be upon us here in North America. This past weekend, we had such a nice hot weather that  I've been really eyeing shorts. Yes....I am still on my no-new-buying-clothes this year, but hey, a girl can look, right?

all images from goop.com

1) RE/DONE The Shorts

What have you been wanting lately?


Mica said…
Oh they are cute shorts - especially the first pair! I find the change of seasons makes me want to shop more, haha! When summer arrives I'm all about shorts and cute dresses, now it's so cold here I just want to buy all the knits and layers. I do have a lot already though!

Hope you had a great weekend! It was a cold one here, winter arrived early!

Away From Blue
Nothing wrong with looking! All of these shorts are so cute and would go with a lot of different pieces. I can't believe how quickly the weather turned from cool and rainy to hot! I am ready to hook up the AC unit right about now....ha!
the creation of beauty is art.
R's Rue said…
I want that striped shirt. Enjoy looking.
Hey there's nothing wrong with looking ;p As much as I'm looking forward to the summer weather, I'm also kind of dreading it right now because it means more people will be out and it would be fine if they all wore masks and properly social distanced but sadly that's not the case. I'm just hanging out on my terrace and bracing for that second wave. I've lost hope in humanity :(
Sakuranko said…
Oh so cute shorts darling
I like the design
rooth said…
I've been cyberstalking jean shorts for two weeks now and finally ordered a pair off Poshmark. I justify not buying "new" clothes by buying used
Hena Tayeb said…
Cute shorts.. I'm living in lounge pants right now.
I also love shorts, I've been eyeing up a few pairs myself :)

Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

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