#QuarantineLife 2

Even though many stores have opened up here where we are, my family and I are still staying home as much as we can and social distancing. Honestly...I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable going out until a vaccine is available. I am always just so worried about the kids...sigh...

Anyhoo, these are some stuff that's been keeping me busy lately...not much TBH. It's been depressing to see what's going on out there, but I try.

1) Currently watching Boys Over Flowers (Netflix)
I decided to finally watch this after hemming and hawing for awhile. I thought...well, it's #1 on a lot of must-watch KDramas. The story line is just ok but I now get its appeal. I am really liking the F4 (group of popular guys in this prestigious high school)...LOL...don't judge. Lee Min Ho (main lead guy) has also grown on me, so will probably watch more of his shows after. (The King:Eternal Monarch on Netflix is supposedly good so am excited to watch that!)

PS Here's my top 5 KDramas:
- Goblin
- Misaeng
- My Love From Another Star
- The Greatest Love
- Master's Sun

2) My daughter had her first virtual singing  recital via Zoom. :) It went well...so yay!

3) Watching The Purple Palace
I've fallen in love with this YouTube channel:) Shayna is an American art student living in Paris, and  vlogs in both English and French.

4) Reading Defiant Spirits by Ross King
I've mentioned Ross King before on this post. I think he's one of the best out there when it comes to art history. This book is about Canada's Group of Seven, and it's been a great read so far. 

5) I've been doing more YouTube videos. This is my latest one:) If you are interested in art videos, please come check my channel and subscribe! :) (Here is my art website btw.)

What have you been up to recently? Do tell:)


I know what you mean about not feeling comfortable going to stores. I am the same way. Just because certain things are open now...it doesn't mean I want to start heading out like normal. I'm happy to limit it to home and the grocery store. There's nothing else I need. Until there is a vaccine or a better understanding of things, it just seems like an unnecessary risk. I'm so glad you are doing everything in your power to keep yourself and your family safe! Also, that tabletop easel looks really cool. I hope you create lots of beautiful things on it :)
LL Cool Joe said…
Great video, nice to hear your voice.

Our stores are all opening on the 15th June but I will not be going in them. I'd rather stay safe at home and buy online and I think a great many people feel the same way. I was never really one for going to the shops anyway. Too much agro! I doubt they'll have a vaccine for years but at least as time goes on and the R number drops and less people have it, we should be safer to return to some sort of normality, but that will be months too.
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Misaeng is in my K-drama top 5 too. NYC is set to begin phase 1 reopening next week. but I'm also not going out and and acting like it's normal.There's nothing normal about what's happening right now not to mention a global pandemic is still going around. And yeah some people could care less about wearing a mask or maintaining social distancing which is so selfish. And I'm really hoping that the police in our city would concentrate more on catching rioters and looters and leaving the peaceful protesters alone.
Adam said…
I've been going through car troubles today. So very stressed out.2020 sucks
Sakuranko said…
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Sakuranko said…
Ross King is a grea author, so good for your girl! My favorite dorama is Goblin
Mica said…
Your daughter is looking so grown up! :) We are staying home a lot too. Last Sunday the restrictions were relaxed more but we still decided to have a small family only birthday for my son yesterday. It felt a bit better than inviting all his school friends, although I know he would have loved to have seen them! We took them all a bunch of individually wrapped cookies so he could share the festivities with them a little which was nice to be able to do! (His teacher had to take the cookies to the class room as parents aren't allowed on school grounds and we were worried he would drop them, ha!)

Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

Away From Blue
Kinga K. said…
I will check this book :)
rooth said…
People around here are starting to go out to eat but I don't think I'm there yet, as far as comfort level either
Anonymous said…
To be fair, I agree with you but however here school has reopen so I had to back to work :(
Hi dear, nice your blog. Would you like to follow each other?
Hena Tayeb said…
Same here.. things are slowly opening up but we are still going out only if needed. My kids haven't been in the car for over three months. We have M's parents living with us right now, so our worry is mostly for them.

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