High Functioning

I'm a big fan of the Sherlock show and really miss it. Don't you hate it when you fave show ends? Sigh....
old Sherlock shirt from Hot Topic, Calvin Klein pants and Vans slip ons

What is one show that ended that you really miss and wish there are more seasons?


That shirt is so cute! I know what you mean. I hate when shows end. In fact, there have been a handful of shows that I really didn't want to end...so I never watched the finales. For some reason, it makes me feel better to know it's not "over" and there is still another episode I haven't seen. Is that weird? Ha, probably!
the creation of beauty is art.
LL Cool Joe said…
The guy on your t-shirt looks like one of the early Dr Who's that wore a big coat and scarf.
Mica said…
That's such a cute outfit! I don't have any TV show tees but I do have a few band tees I really need to wear more! I cried so much at the end of The Good Place. I think it was the perfect end but I was really sad to see the show go! That and Friends are standout shoes for me!

Hope that your week is going well :)

Away From Blue
Cool shirt! I wish Sherlock didn't end either especially since the way it did was a little disappointing. We were so disappointed when Agent Carter ended. She was such a badass and that show was so well acted and had strong women characters. It sucks when a quality show like that is cut off while hot garbage like Agents of Shield stays on for years.
Adam said…
When I read your title I was hoping it was a Sherlock reference
Sakuranko said…
Oh very interesting tshirt darling
Nice outfit
R's Rue said…
I loved The Beauty and the Baker.
I am a huge Sherlock fan. I used to read the books growing up. I love your outfit. Have a great weekend. <3
Kinga K. said…
Comfy and nice ❤ I love Sherlock ❤
Such a cool and casual outfit. I like it.

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