#QuarantineLife 3

Even though things have been opening up more here, my family are still pretty much in lockdown mode. We haven't even been hanging out with our relatives (aside from seeing them 6 feet away when they drop by to say hi to the kids.)

I honestly don't understand why people are so keen to go to the beach or go to pubs and such. I don't know what's going on mentally with everyone obviously, or what is their situation at home that people feel the need to socialize. It is just mind boggling how people think the pandemic is over.

 Of course, we do go to stores to get stuff, and church is open at 30% capacity (with strict social distancing/mask rule) so yay for that. Otherwise, we are keeping busy here at home:)

What I've been doing:

1) Watched Strangers From Hell (Netflix)
Thank you to my blogger friend Rowena for recommending this! What an awesome show! If you're into crime drama that's kinda gory, you will love this. The twist at the end....aaaaaah!!!!
It doesn't hurt that it has my fave Korean actors Im Si-Wan and Lee Dong-Wook...heehee.
image from asianwiki.comA

Another great watch is The Witch: Subversion (Netlfix)
image from imdb.com
This was a great action film. Also a great cast:)

2) Sewing more masks
One can never have enough masks nowadays.

3) Watched the musical Hamilton on Disney+
Oh...em....gee! I would've never gotten the chance to see this live (a ticket in Toronto was hard to score as it was all over the world). So happy to finally see it...worth all the hype.
I was bawling by the end....huhuhu...and Jonathan Groff was amazeballz as always, even if his part wasn't that long.

4) My youngest had another vocal recital via Zoom.
That's always fun:D

5) Uploading more art videos on my YouTube channel
Here's that latest one I've done. You'll see me talking about some drawings and paintings I've done lately:)

What have you been up lately?


Mica said…
I think I need to watch Hamilton as everyone always recommends it! :)

It's good you are staying home and staying safe. For us, we have been getting out more with the relaxed restrictions (and no new cases for 8 days in our state) but we are sticking to parks and beaches - keeping our distance of course and because it's winter we have to keep moving to keep warm, haha! We found the park on Saturday a bit too busy, even our usually quiet one, so we just picked a secluded are for the kids to bike and scoot on instead - it's easy to keep our distance there, more than it is at school drop off and pick up where the other parents get so close, haha!

Hope your week is off to a good start! :) We spent some time at the beach today :)

Away From Blue
Hena Tayeb said…
We didn't get a chance to watch Hamilton on Broadway either.. I am reading a historical figures book with the kids and we are currently reading about Hamilton. I am waiting to finish the chapter before we watch it.
Your youngest looks so cute.. glad they are able to still have recitals.. even if not in person.
I know what you mean. Things are opening back up slowly but I have no interest in dashing out to the real world again. It is still not safe out there so....my routine stays more or less the same. My husband and I went for a picnic in an empty field for our anniversary (not overly exciting but it was something to do) because we didn't want to risk visiting the beaches (since so many people seem to be going to them). That is about as adventurous as I am willing to get. I'm glad you and your family are staying safe and are taking precautions. I love the idea of a recital over Zoom! That is such a smart idea. Our world really is changing but it's nice to see things adapting as well.
R's Rue said…
I agree with you. Stay well.
I think continuing to stay in lockdown mode is definitely the smart thing to do right now. I saw a photo from a beach in Toronto over the weekend and it was frightening how people weren't wearing masks and not observing social distancing. And this is happening all over the place :( It's like they've forgotten we're still in the first wave of this pandemic and if they don't alter their behavior it's going to get bad again. It great that your sons finally agreed to let you trim their hair. Salons just seem risky right now. As you know we're sticking with lockdown as well. I have no need or desire to go out. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed Strangers From Hell. I knew it was right up your alley ;p Yep King George was one of the best things about Hamilton even though his appearances were brief. Loved all his songs too. Stay safe and be well chingu <3
Yes things are opening up here too but I do get a bit nervous myself. I have been out twice (besides grocery shopping) I went to a BLM protest. And then I met a friend last week and we went to a park social distanced got food at a out door only with social distancing and then went to the docks no one was around there so def social distancing.

I think the situation is different for everyone. If you live in a house with a yard with family is very different then living alone in a one bedroom or studio apartment etc. But I agree that the pandemic is not over. Though better to be at the beach as long as you social distance then indoors. So better for people to get get a bit in the summer months as long as they social distancing as once summer is over it will more or less be a lock down again,

Allie of
It is interesting see how you spending your time in quarantine. Making masks is great idea and I need to check your YouTube channel.

New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/07/2nd-anniversary-of-exclusive-beauty.html

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