A rare occasion

 Belated Happy Easter to those who celebrated yesterday:) Last year, Easter celebrations were cancelled. This year, our church was allowed to have 15% of its congregation. We were lucky enough to have booked tickets (yes....you book tickets for church now).

It was probably the smallest Easter mass I have ever seen, but nonetheless, it was great to be able to celebrate it, and also...the one time we all got the chance to dress up (well....me for sure anyhoo) :D.

old Zara jacket and jumpsuit I sewed, Ecco boots

How was your weekend? Did you celebrate Easter?


ellie said…
So happy you could make it to the Easter service. Just an Easter dinner and egg hunt with family here. Very nice weather. And a few of us got together for a meal. Only 4 grownups and 2 kids. We ate outside. Love your outfit! & your hair too!
Oh, that is so wonderful that you were able to attend! What a blessing! I love what you wore as well. That jumpsuit is incredible. I am always so amazed by your talent. So glad you had a special Easter. I hope you have a fantastic week :)
How lovely that you were able to celebrate Easter at church. It's good and safer that they're still keeping capacity down. And how fabulous do you look rocking that coral jumpsuit chingu <3
Mica said…
Your jumpsuit is beautiful! It's so good you were able to make it to a service too! I've been missing in person church but with an occasional case slipping out of quarantine now and then we haven't felt up to going - you have to book here too! Online church it will be for a while longer I think!

Hope that you are having a good week! It's been a very rainy one so far here!

Away From The Blue
rooth said…
I hope you had a lovely Easter! Things are open back here - sports gatherings and all. Hope you all are taking care and staying healthy!
Shon said…
Happy Easter!! You guys always look so great. The jumpsuit is perfect.

Our church has been booking reservations since July, but we still watch online. I am so glad you all got a chance to attend Mass though.

We all except my 15 yo have had the first dose of the vaccine and we are thrilled!!

Big hugs and enjoy your week.
Kinga K. said…
I love your jumpsuit ❤
Your jumpsuit is so pretty! My Easter was spent at home with family, but baking treats helped to make the day special :)
Cielo said…
Oh, what a nice post! Your outfit is absolutely beautiful. I love everything :)

Saw your blog and thought if you would like to follow each other? Follow me and I'll follow back asap. Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear something from you! :)
That's lovely that you church was able to let people attend. We are still doing services online, but we have a great at-home Easter and Passover celebrations. <3

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