March Break 2022

 Last week was March Break here in Canada, so I thought I'd share some pics of what we did:)

First up...Niagara Falls!

My middle child changed his jacket into this one. He's really into dressing nice so I told him to bring this coat with him just in case...LOLZ

me sketching (my family knows that I do this when we're out and about and there's beautiful scenery outside:D)

We went to the movie theatre for the first time in two years! (We watched The Batman. It was awesome.)

We went to a park to enjoy the nice-ish weather we were having.

What do you guys do during your spring break?


ellie said…
Such wonderful photos! Oh, and I love that coat your oldest is in. Awesome jacket you have for these outings too. So good that you guys got to go out and of course see THE BATMAN. A co-worker was telling me about it. She loved it too. So glad you guys got to do some family things. We had Spring Break here, too. But not that many showed up to the library. Although, we do have DIY kit events where they pick up a bag to take home to make things, everything from banana bread to bracelets.

I finished Only Just Married and the Japanese actor Sakaguchi Kenaro looked so much like Seo Kang Joon who I haven't seen in any K-dramas in so long. Only 2 more episodes of Under the Skin which has been full of interesting crime stories.

Happy Spring 🌸🌸🌸
rooth said…
Looks like it's warming up there! Your kids look so grown up
Oh, how fun! I am so glad you were able to spend some time in Niagara Falls. It is always exciting to go there. It doesn't look like the crowds were too crazy, either, which is always a plus. And the weather looked decent as well. Your pictures are wonderful and I especially love the one of you sketching by the falls. It is always exciting to see an artist at work! :D
Mica said…
I am sure your kids get taller every time you share a pic! :) It looks like you had a really fun break with them :)

Hope that you are having a great day :)

Away From The Blue
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Look at all that awesome family fun! It must've been nice for the kids to get a little getaway for their Spring break. Your middle child is rocking that coat! I really miss traveling and hope that we can go somewhere this year. Our risk tolerance is just not there yet especially with the BA.2 variant running around now. A very healthy friend of mine who is vaxxed, wears masks and takes precautions caught it and she's been having a rough time with it. Have a great week chingu <3
Adam said…
Just work 😭

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