Adieu, Nordstrom

 Nordstrom came to Canada in 2014, but alas, will be closing down soon (by June 2023). All I'm gonna say is that at least, they lasted longer than Target....

Anyhoo, we decided to go visit the Nordstrom in Yorkdale Mall to look at the liquidation sale. Not gonna lie...not too impressed and I didn't get anything. 5% off really is not much off anything, and only saw a few items with the 20% off (mostly lingerie and robes and such) :(

Here's my outfit while shopping (I always take these pics in a UNIQLO store btw:D)

Nordstrom, we hardly knew ye.


rooth said…
Oh wow, at least an online shopping option will always be open!
ellie said…
It is sad about the store. When I was younger back in Texas we had a local chain that had always delivered a decent department store, but later as I was leaving college it was replaced by this chain you mentioned. I only shopped there once and that was because of shoes at the local mall I needed a pair quickly and Wow, they were on sale. At that time, I really felt the Hispanic sales lady was looking out for me. Such great customer service. So much of what the department store like this had to offer is long gone, or feels. Yes, an end of an era. Honestly, I don't like shopping online. Worrying, will it fit. If I order it will porch pirates get it before I do. BTW I am adoring your outfit. So great to see the perfect mom and daughter pic too. Hope you are getting a lot done this month. I have fallen into minatures. Someone really wants pillows for her doll house, so I'm making a mock quilt bag to put the pillows in and can be used for a quilt for her Barbie, too during pillow talk time. Now if I can get that Harry Styles inspired jump suit made out of a pair of old sparkly stockings for the KEN doll. Meanwhile, Taxidriver 2 is getting so good. I was shocked that the new guy on the show was going to be so bad....
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
It's a shame that Nordstrom is closing by you. Retail is so tough these days because most people prefer to shop online. I've become one of those people ;p It just makes life so much easier to get things delivered straight to your door y'know. Nordstrom actually finally opened in NYC the year before the pandemic. I still haven't visited yet but I hear it's quite nice. I might try to stop by the next time I have an appointment in the area. Happy new week to you Emmy <3
Hena Tayeb said…
Oh that's a shame. But really 5% percent discount is just sad.
Adam said…
I still can't believe Target flopped hard in Canada
Kinga K. said…
That's almost nothing...
Mica said…
It's a shame that it's closing - and that 5% off is the only deals they are offering - I think it would make more sense to have bigger discounts and less stuff to take back to the US when all the stock moves back there, haha!

Our Target is completely different from the US one but it's floundering a bit here too. Kmart (also different from the US one) is doing so well it took over the closing target stores a while back. It will be interesting to see if another shop pops up in Canada to take Nordstrom's place!
Kinga K. said…
Have a lovely weekend :D
A Very Sweet Blog said…
A lot of brick and mortar stores are shuddering. It’s sad and I feel for the employees. Many people are buying online.

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