March Break 2023

 This March Break went by soooo quickly! We just did stuff around the city so nothing too exciting. It was just great to hang out with the kiddos, I guess:D

1) Hung out with my family

2) Went to Royal Ontario Museum

My eldest is in university but his campus is right beside the ROM so he was able to go with us after his class!

I recorded a vlog of our trip here:

3) Hung out at malls for some shopping. We are such mall rats! #sorrynotsorry

What do you guys usually do during March/Spring break?


rooth said…
Ahh the good old days of spring break!
ellie said…
So glad you guys got out and enjoyed your city and saw family too. Oh, it really has been a cold March here. Some spring snow, although the visibility wasn't very nice. I'm afraid I have been lazy for the most part. I did love "This guy is the biggest mistake of my life" a Japanese drama with Hayami Mokomichi and the OST is really good too! I haven't been to the mall in ages. Just going to the food court would be fun since they did re-do the one at our mall with much better places to eat.

Love that you guys got to the Museum too! (✿◡‿◡)
Hena Tayeb said…
Looks like time well spent.
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
It's really nice how you guys always enjoy Spring break as a family. Our friends took us to the ROM and the the last time we visited Toronto years ago. I wish Spring Break was still a thing once you become an adult and start working. My husband is taking a day off next week so we can attend an Art Expo.Happy Monday Emmy <3
Jo Rashi said…
Looks like you guys had so much time is always the best :-)
Beauty and Fashion/Glamansion/Rampdiary
Spending time together as a family seems like the perfect way to enjoy March Break! Your visit to the ROM looks like it was so much fun. There is lots to see there and many pieces that inspire!
Kinga K. said…
What a fantastic museum!
Krissi Sophie said…
Oh, so cute! Spending time with family is the best <3

Krissi of the marquise diamond
Raquel Loio said…
What beautiful photos! And, they are good ideas for spring. Thanks for sharing. =)
Mica said…
Looks like a fun break! it's good you got out and about so much with the family :)

We do have a break for Easter coming up but it's not until April, no March break for us sadly! I do have some time off but it will be staying close to home also :)
Glad you all had fun. This looks like so much fun to do.
Happy weekend.
A Very Sweet Blog said…
You guys did some awesome things on break Emmy. There are so many great things to do locally. I need to do more of the same. I really loved your vlog of the Royal Ontario Museum. Specifically The Renaissance section. I love historical pieces, especially furniture. I hope one day I can go. It was also cool looking at the mummies and wildlife. Your husband’s facial expressions are so funny. I think your daughter inherited that from him. Lol

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