TTC Halloween Fest 2023

 Unfortunately, these past few weeks have been a bit busy that I didn't have time to sew any Halloween costumes....sigh....

I don't even know if we're giving out candies, so to make up for the lack of Halloween fun at home, we decided to go to the TTC Halloween Fest this year. This was held at the abandoned (1966) subway station  located underneath the current Bay stop (although they do do a lot of filming here). This station is supposedly haunted!!!

Here are some pics of the event:)

my fave pic

Happy Halloween, everyone! What are your plans for the day?

BTW, in case you are interested in art, this is my latest YT video on my art channel:D


ellie said…
Such great pics from the festivals! So fun and cool! I'm in Del Rio Texas at the moment..and even the cold front reached here! A refreshing thing indeed. Nice sleeping weather in a camper...Although, just a harsh cold in the twenties back home. We give out candy like every other year. We don't see that many kids anymore. But there seem to be plenty to do here in the metro.

So happy to see you guys enjoying the festival. Hope you are keeping warm.
rooth said…
Happy Halloween!
Hena Tayeb said…
Looks like a good time.. great pictures.
LoveT. said…
Fantastic, amazing Photos
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Aww too bad you didn't have time to sew any Halloween costumes this year. You guys always come up with some great costumes. It's good that you were still able to have some festive fun at this festival. I keep getting press invites for this scary exhibit called Blood Manor every year but I'm a total fraidy cat so it's not up my alley at all. I used to like Halloween more but now it brings out the crazies in NYC. I'll happily be home ;p
I'm sorry life has been so busy lately and you weren't able to sew costumes! I am glad that you were able to make some fun family memories. That TTC event looks so cool! I hadn't heard about it before. What a fun time! I really hope you have a wonderful Halloween <3
the creation of beauty is art.
Mica said…
It's a shame you didn't have time to make anything as I've always admired your costume skills in the past, but it looks like you still had fun anyway! What a different event, and a nice way to celebrate Halloween. You got some great photos!
Adam said…
I hope y'all had a wonderful Halloween

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