In a blink of an eye

 My youngest daughter celebrated her 15th birthday this weekend...waaaaaaaaah! 15?!?!? They grow up so fast....huhuhu

We just had a small family gathering at home:)

What did you this weekend? Do you like celebrating birthdays? TBH, I'm not too fond of celebrating my own but I love celebrating others:D


LoveT. said…

Belatedly happy birthday to your son.

I walked through the Christmas market. :)
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Happy 15th birthday to your Mini Me chingu! My gosh I remember when she was still tiny and now she's taller than you ;D We got hair cuts this weekend. Yeah my husband and I usually go together.
Aww I hope she had a great birthday! It looks like a nice celebration with lots of delicious food. Birthdays are so much fun :D
ellie said…
Oh, my goodness, they grow up so fast! I love these photos! Such a happy time. All the best to the Holidays! Hope you are all doing well.
rooth said…
Happy birthday to her! Love the candid shots and I hope she had a wonderful celebration
Sakuranko said…
Oh very cute celebration
Beautiful family photos
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Happy 15th Birthday! Gosh, I remember when she was a little girl. Time is flying! That food spread Emmy looks delicious! YUM!!!

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