Life lately- when it's just too much!

 We got hit with two winter storms back to back....ack! I know Canada is seen as a cold country, but we've had mild winters the past few years, so were spoiled. Mother Nature definitely reminded us that it's still winter!

Just constant shovelling the past few days!

The emptiest I've seen our church for a Sunday mass

What it's like on the highway....eeeek!

As of today, the winter storm warning is over so yay! How is the weather in your neck of the woods?


ellie said…
Oh, we are finally getting snow here in Omaha. Up to five inches today..and like you we have had some mild winters too, but this artic blast may hang on over a week. Lots of people sick. & I think I sent you a note about Kim Sae Ron. I felt I watched her grow up. & she was my Valentina in my stories. I have been watching Study Group but its on the violent side..I hope it isn't that way in real life. And 2 of my friends who were so excited about Squid Games Season 2 just can't take another episode of it. Here's to staying well and warm and finding some good reads and working on some of your fabulous projects!
rooth said…
Ooof, stay warm and stay safe my friend!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Oh same chingu, same! After a few mild winters, it's been absolutely freezing in NYC this winter. Thankfully we have not been getting as much snow as you guys though. Lucky you for being further up north ;p We just need to hang on and hope for an early spring.
Hena Tayeb said…
We have had little to no so for the last few years.. so the fact that we are getting any snow has been making us happy.
Adam said…
Our weather can't make it's mind up but we rarely get snow
R's Rue said…
Freezing rain and wintry mix tomorrow. I miss having enough snow to play in. Love to you.
LOL you look miserable. We had more snow this year too. I don't mind snow so much when it is just snow, but I cannot stand the wintery mix where it starts out as rain then snows and then freezes over that is the worst.

Allie of
Sakuranko said…
Oh very cute the snow

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