Inspiration: Parris Goebel

Paris Goebel is basically the coolest girl on the planet. Most know her nowadays as the choreographer for all the Justin Bieber's Purpose videos, but she also choreographed for a bunch of other people like JLo and Nicky Minaj. You can see more about this New Zealander here. Once you see her work, I guarantee you'll be just as amazed.
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She's one of the best choreographers out there. Just watch the video below. (I fell down the rabbit hole when I started watching YouTube videos of the numbers she's choreographed....just saying....)
I must've seen this Sorry video a hundred times. Parris, her dance crew and polyswagg...what's not to love?

Who's been inspiring you lately?


Beauty Follower said…
Wow the choreographies in the videos are amazzzzzing!!!!
Great post dear ;)
LV said…
Never heard of her before, but WOW the choreography is on point
Chic Therapy said…
Very edgy girl. Me likey.
I actually have no idea who she is but she certainly sounds talented and cool.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I actually didn't know who she was because I'm clearly not hip, but she clearly is!

NEW POST: Baby Goats!
I love her choreography, but I didn't know she did the J.Lo. & the Justin video. Interesting. She's an incredible talent. x
Flower Design
Had no idea that she did the choreography for JLo and Justin Bieber but you're right, they are so on point. Great talent!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Valerie said…
Wow, she sounds so talented! Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
She looks badass :-)
Edyta said…
Awesome, a true inspiration!
She must be awesome! Those are some huge names.

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