Til death do us part...

I would like to introduce my third arm...aka my iphone. She is old and battered. She has been dropped and abused, but still works. I will never ever replace her.

Meet Ms. 3G Hello Kitty...

Yes...I said 3G. I will have her til the end. Well, to be honest, I tried to replace her with Ms.4G, but my cell phone company said I had to change my phone plan too because it was too old (and cheap). I was, "Hellz, no!" So, Ms. 3G is stuck with me until she conks out. And why Hello Kitty? Because she rocks, and I will never outgrow her:)

What is my fave app, you ask?


Ceciliette said…
hahhaha omg cellphones companies always trying to steal us a little bit more money anyway they can´t!!! hahahah Love the kitty case!

Cute Hello Kitty case, darling!

Emmylou said…
Thank you:)
LOL @ Cecily...so true!
Laura Bray said…
I know exactly how you feel, I panic if I'm seperated from my phone for more than an hour!

-Laura xx
Love that Hello Kitty cover. She will always have a place in my heart. No matter how old I get.

Have a good one!
Emmylou said…
Hear, hear...Laura and Maycie:)
Sarah said…
Adorable case! Who doesn't love Hello Kitty?! And it's funny that you bring up Planets and Zombies because my boyfriend is OBSESSED! I may have to try it now :)

Emmylou said…
Thanks, Sarah. And PvsZ is sooo addictive!
Manvi Mittal said…
Aw,that is so cute.

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