Lost in translation

I love this shirt, as it's black, comfy, and I don't really understand what it says. Please note that I do not condone smoking nor drinking, nor smoking AND drinking!
top from Urban Outfitters, Old Navy jeans, DV by Dolce Vita booties
I would just like to add that the jeans are soooo old that they frayed like this. I didn't buy them like that:)

Happy Thursday, dudes! One more day til the weekend...sweeeeeet:)


rooth said…
Looks perfectly comfy Emmy. I love loose jeans that you could potentially do the splits in. You know, if you wanted to :)
NaNa said…
nice print on the tee hun =)

love from the NANA girls xoxo
I love it! You look so great! <3<3
Elle Sees said…
I totally condone drinking on occasion
Emmylou said…
Thanks for the comments, everyone. LOL @Elle!
Unknown said…
You look cool as always!
Great outfit! I really love it

A chic kiss ;-)
Ceciliette said…
i always like all the booties you're wearing...i'm starting to get jelous!!!!!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Haha, I love that you're wearing a shirt that you don't understand and jeans that frayed mysteriously, lol. You are the best.
Elly said…
Love the jeans and boots! I'm still on the search for a perfectly destroyed pair of jeans since I'm always too afraid to destroy a pair myself. I'd probably literally destroy them! I'd be nice if they just naturally frayed like yours :)


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