Mother Earth

I know it might be redundant to pair a floral print with green, but it sure is environmentally-friendly, eh? :P
Topshop shirt, Current/Elliott The Stiletto jeans, Old Navy booties

I never get tired of wearing booties, even in the summer:P
Have an awesome Sunday, everyone:) How's your weekend?


i love your jeans and that 2nd photo is waaaay too cute!

from helen at // @thelovecatsinc
Vision By Mila said…
hello kid! you 2 look so nice & happy! great outfit! just found my salary is in, so tomorrow shopping spree! I hope the sales started though, I wouldn't want to spend a lot, especially since another holiday is coming in August, so better save some money..
rooth said…
Aww, the weather looks good and your top is cute!
Shoe Belle said…
With your outfit, looks like you belong with your backdrop, I love it!:p And you too kinda match! hehe
Emmylou said…
LOLZ....thanks, I guess:P
@el-mundo, hope you find some great deals:)
parfums said…
wow , so cute, lovely pics.
parfum pas cher
Tessa: said…
Great printed trousers you have!
Unknown said…
Love ur style and love ur blog. following you!(:
check out ma blog and follow me too on
Much love. x
Dana Paramita said…
oh god your hair is sooo gorgeous! love it<3 and love your jeans too definitely:D
anyway visit mmine if you have a chance, thankyou<3
momto8 said…
your jeans are fabulous!! looks great with the boots!
I know these pants! Great outfit
Giancarlo said…
Una bella bambina! felice inizio settimana a Te...ciao
Ceciliette said…
i think that combination is perfect!!!!!!!!! Im not that much into floral, but i would kill to have those pants!
great outfit, the jeans are fabulous, especially with the top! Very feminine and delicate!
Great blog
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I think it goes together really well, and I don't see anything redundant about it at all. :)
Elle Sees said…
Love the outfit and the baby!
Unknown said…
I looooooove your pants! And your daughter is the cutest thing in the world!
Allison said…
I LOVE those jeans! They look perfect on you & I think the green top is great with them!
Luis said…
Super cute outfit! I love Current/Elliott jeans. They always have the best patterns.


Luis (my blog!)
Unknown said…
Love the way you styled the pants with the booties, you look great & your daughter looks so cute!
evita nuh said…
cool booties! and your little girl is so adorable! ♥
Sofie said…
Lovely look, the flowerpants are awesome! You combined it great with the boots and the green shirt! ♥
Heather said…
well, when your boots are that rad, who can blame you?!
i love the floral pants with the green top! very environmentally-friendly indeed hehe :)
I love this outfit! And I'm slightly obsessed with your hair! You're fierce, girl!
Emmylou said…
Thank you, guys, for the lovely comments:)
Sick by Trend said…
Such a lovely pic! Nice outfit :)


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