Currently loving #4

Only one item for this edition of "currently loving", because I love it so much it's an obsession!
Maroon 5's latest album OVEREXPOSED


All the songs are kick-a** joke. Go buy it now if you haven't done so:)

Any albums you guys are obsessed with, old or new?


Rien Bautista said…
I love their song Payphone! :D Maroon 5 releases hit after hit after hit. They're amazing!

I have a fashion blog. I hope you could visit sometime. :) xx
rooth said…
LOL - yay you got it! I know you've been obsessing over it forever now
Emmylou said…
Gosh....words can't describe how I'm really loving this album. Obsessed, I tells yah!
oomph. said…
I JUST popped in their old CD in my car and have been re-loving maroon 5. Glad to hear the new album is good! Will definitely be picking this one up!

Bella B. said…
Well I don't really love Maroon 5, but maybe this is because I don't even listen to them. Maybe I will give them a try.
Nice blog anyway, we could follow each other if you want. :)

xx BBella
LV said…
I love them too! Have to check out the new album.
Vision By Mila said…
I like them, but never been a fan, in fact I think it's been a while since I've heard their songs.. must update :)
Cara said…
oooh really? I love Maroon 5 and had heard good things about the new album but hadn't picked it up. Best Maroon 5 album to date? Gonna have to buy it! :D
Unknown said…
I love the group, I really need to get one..I love the art work on the cover!

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