
We finally had a decent weather yesterday, so the whole family went to the zoo for some outdoor fun....well, at least for those minutes the three monkeys were not fighting with each other....

You can tell this was taken close to the end of the trip...no more smile!
Have an awesome weekend, everyone:)


Elle Sees said…
omg at the shoes!! too presh.
rooth said…
Awww, how fun! Glad to see they had a good time for most of it
ilovetrends said…
Ooh lovely pics!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Love the matching shoes!

Haven't been to the zoo in a while, but I really do enjoy them. So many cool animals to see, including crazy monkeys. :)
TR said…
I love the zoo!
Looks like so much fun! xx
Shoe Belle said…
Now a pink one?!?!:p Love the lil one trying to "carry" the weight of the world!!... Glad to hear the kids had a good time:)
Francesca said…
Cool pictures! Looks like fun! I just went to the zoo yesterday!

Unknown said…
You & your kids are very cool - you guys take great pictures!
I love it that you guys worse matching shoes. You really are the coolest mom!!

I love the zoo. Does Toronto have a nice one?

Karolina B-H said…
cute pictures!! and the small and bigger pink shoes- so sweet :)
.sabo skirt. said…
These are lovely photos!:)
Your children were so cute.

Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
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Ceciliette said…
i wanna go to an aquarium like that... as far as i remember i've never went :(
Jessica said…
matching shoes!? so cute! i love the zoo but at the same time i feel bad for the animals being locked up like that

Unknown said…
too cute!!!!!!!!!
lovely pics :)


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