It is time.

You know fall is here when the jackets come out (shhhh...I'm secretly happy it's getting cooler but don't tell anyone.)

H&M pleather jacket, top from Urban Outfitters, Zara jeans, Michael Michael Kors rain boots

 We took these photos at Walmart, looking for Halloween stuff, coz it's never to early to prepare for Halloween, right?

Have a great Thursday, peeps:) Mwah!


rooth said…
What costumes did you find and what are y'all going to be this year!?
such a cute outfit! i love halloween so good lucky picking the costumes :)

from helen at // @thelovecatsinc
Elle Sees said…
It was 60 degrees here, and I swore it was time for jackets ;)
ilovetrends said…
She's so cute!
Did you find Halloween stuff?
Emmylou said…
TY for commenting, ladies. Didn't really find anything special that day, so the hunt continues:)
Allison said…
That is one awesome jacket! and I am definitely happy & ready for cooler weather as well!!! And I agree- never too early for halloween planning- it's my favorite holiday!
A's Fashion Files
Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!
Unknown said…
We were excited about fall up until this morning, We stepped out and it was uncomfortably cold - OHMY! There goes your adorable daughter, what theme are you going with for Halloween? Great look as always, want the jackets :)

I love Halloween so much, decorating and all. The two of you are absolutely adorable. I love your jeans.

Amy Shaughnessy said…
I've been meaning to order my son's Halloween costume for several weeks now. No, it is never too early to prepare! Love the leather jacket by the way!


Fashion and Beauty Finds
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Can't wait to see what you and your kids are going to dress up as for Halloween. And I do like your jacket and rain boots.
Josie said…
Never too early! Gotta prepare to look the best you can right? xxx
Amor said…
Ohhhh you have a blog so sweet ^^
Always Maylee said…
You two are just so cute. It's never too early to start searching for halloween costumes! :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Beauty Follower said…
Great pants, love your little's parka!
In Athens the jackets didnt come out yet... so I am telling to myself is still summer lol!
Lovely look and photos!!!And a really cutie baby!!!
Best Regards
Miss Margaret Cruzemark
Karolina B-H said…
I kind of can't wait for winter too :)


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