"One Ring to bring them all..."

To all of you who are Tolkien fans, I would like to celebrate today with you. It's Bilbo and Frodo's birthday!!
Happy Birthday, Bilbo and Frodo!

my very tattered set which I've read and re-read too many times

new copy....woot woot!
I can still remember the first time I heard of Tolkien. It was back in high school, and I had just read my very first fantasy book- The Sapphire Rose by David Eddings. I loved that book so much that I went on a BBS Fantasy/Sci Fi board (do any of you remember those?), and asked what books to read after. Everyone said Lord of the Rings, and I mean everyone. (I got about close to a 100 responses:O)

I wasn't able to read them right away. Eventually, my older sis bought The Hobbit and the LOTR set, and I was hooked. Such a fantastic world Tolkien has created....so rich and detailed that you are transported into Middle-earth right then and there.

With Peter Jackson and the LOTR movies, fans old and new got to enjoy Tolkien's world on the big screen, and for that, us Tolkien fans are grateful. PJ did such an awesome job translating the books into films. The first movie for The Hobbit looks to be another job well-done. (Rooth and I have wondered how PJ will turn the book into three films...I know, right?) Can't wait for December when it comes out!

Are you a Tolkien fan?

Have a great weekend, everyone:)


Michaela said…
I'm not a fan, but then, if there's cake or goodies for celebration, I can become one instantly :D
Emmylou said…
Yes...second breakfast on me (like the hobbits:)) Mila! :)
MrsBitchface said…
actually im not a huge fan of sci fiction, but im sure you would love game of thrones, i mean, ive never seen it, but yesterday somebody said that after seeing it, he thought: omg, this is how lord of the rings should look!
Anita said…
Lovely blog. http://xtheperfectmess.blogspot.com.au
rooth said…
Happy belated birthday to Bilbo and Frodo! Do you know, I watched all of PJ's video blogs one night last week and then watched them AGAIN with my sister? Ultranerding it out!
Elle Sees said…
1 of the first big books I read as a kid and one of my favorites I'll treasure forever

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