We say "oot and aboot"

This was taken on a day just spent running around town. Hence, another casual and basic outfit...the best kind, right? :P

Forever 21 sweater, TNA pants from Aritzia, Roots boots


Elle Sees said…
Awwww, this is too much cuteness!
rooth said…
Awwww, looks like a fun weekend. Did y'all end up getting the pink mini mini?
Adam said…
My aunt got my cousin one of the older barbie cars when she was little. She loved that thing.
Vision By Mila said…
like mother like daughter.. I love this outfit of yours and I want it! :D I am in search of Autumn shoes myself, and new jeans, and also in waiting of the salary,credit card not too happy after holidays :D
Allison said…
OMG I instantly broke into a smile when I saw the first photo!!! Your matching pose is so funny and cute! I just can't get enough of your adorable daughter--and she knows how cute she is too--so funny!
A's Fashion Files
Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Totally diggin' the casual look and your gorgeous bag. But I really love how the two of you are posing! Too cute.
Emmylou said…
LOLZ....TY, everyone! She's a ham. I can't even:P
Rooth, we didn't get her the car. We told her for her bday, and for now, she seems ok with it.:)
Shoe Belle said…
Love it!!! She looks like a baby version of those ladies on Price Is Right in the last pic, no? LOL... want those boots!:p
LV said…
cute cute cute! Emmy, I love these photos. Even though you are very casual, you look so stylish and I love your shoes. Your little one is so adorable. OMG!
Unknown said…
Great post!

3 words LOVE YOUR STYLE :)

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momto8 said…
and that pink car rocks!

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