
I decided to wear some of my favourite items all at once....

The word "Forever" has nothing to do with the outfit. I just used it because this was what I wore when I went to see Breaking Dawn 2, and if you've seen it, you'll understand the title:)
Danier leather jacket, Gap scarf, H&M shirt, Zara pants, Joe's Jeans booties

heehee....had to do this shot:P

Happy Hump Day, everyone:) Any new movies you've seen lately that you loved?


Vision By Mila said…
Dam' this, I think I'll eventually have to see this movie.. was it happy ending??
Shoe Belle said…
Glad to hear you enjoyed the movie;)
Adam said…
it was the best movie in the series
Always Maylee said…
Your pants are so fun! I haven't been to the movies in awhile, which is so unlike us, but I want to see the new James Bond movie!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I do like your layering and your floral pants. But I think I'll wait to see that movie when it comes out on dvd.
Melissa said…
Great look! I'm digging those pants.

<3 Melissa
rooth said…
You are adorable. If I lived in a place as cold as you, I would throw on everything at once as well. Stay warm!
Josie said…
I loves your trews! I feel so left out, I don't know the meaning behind Forever haha! xxx
Ceciliette said…
when cold comes is the best time to put everything onnnn!!! perfect excuse! hahhaha
Allison said…
You are too cute posing next to the cutout! haha! I actually had a large Edward cutout until recently. When we moved I got rid of was just another thing I had to move...I totally miss it though :/
P.S. Don't forget to enter my Fossil Vintage Revival Bag Giveaway! :)

A's Fashion Files
Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!
Emmylou said…
Thanks for all the comments:) Josie, it's time to join the dark side...mwahaha!
Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers:)
Love the jacket!

It will mean a lot to us if you have time to check our blog and maybe follow us if you like it ?

Hope to hear from you very soon!

Keep bloging X

Emily from Pretty Tiny Things
Unknown said…
I like your pants, the outfit is cool! I'm not a fan of any of the twilight series, so I never bother to see it the last movie I saw was Flight and it was a pretty good movie..

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